Week 48:
Week's running totals: 45.5
2009 running totals:1713.79
Weight/core training: 1.5
Swimming: 1
Days sans sugar: We're starting over as of today!
- Raw almonds
- Dinner tonight with my dear friends the Clawsons
- My friend, M.B., who's been a rock this past week
- The color pink
- I got the pile of 8 million socks sorted last night (with only 9 single no-friends to top!)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Post Thanksgiving Blahs

I'm just going to admit it: I'm not much of a holiday girl. I used to be, evident by a storage room in my basement overflowing with Christmas decorations, but that was another life-time ago.
I go through most of the motions, for my kiddos, but they are starting to get too old to really care if I stress for days dragging 28 boxes of holiday decorations out of the basement or burning 15 kinds of Christmas cookies, which I yell at them for eating anyway because they're too fattening (well, maybe they do like the baking, even if the edges are black). Why do I do it? Just because it's what's expected of society? You burn cookies, you over-eat, you stress over what gifts to buy (or what you can afford), you remove half your house to accommodate 28 boxes of decorations, you end up putting up a tree all by yourself because no one wants to hang more than 3 ornaments, you enjoy it for a few days, then spend 2 full days taking it all down and getting house back to normal. Just the thought of it all makes me stress! I don't know, I'm sure it's just me, but I think I'd rather spend the time doing something fun with my kids rather than trying to be like Martha. Or half of Martha. Even just a fraction of Martha (thank God I haven't taken any illegal Martha stock trading tips).
My 14-year old boys (twins!) are skiers. Not just casual, recreational skiers, but really, REALLY GOOD skiers. Their dad takes them a lot and I get to hear updates and reports - which "bowl" they skied; how steep it was; how many falls, or not, they had; how fast they fly....and each time, I hear the excitement about the day in their voices. I don't ski anymore. That, too, was another life ago. But it's their passion. Like my running. Well, maybe not to the level of "obsessed" like my running, but truly, they love it and get so excited this time of year as the mountains are now showing-off their pearly whites. The boys are biting at the bit to get up there and do their thang!
Here's my skiing whine and why I don't participate: 1) I HATE to be cold. I'm fine with the skiing part as I can keep moving and keep warm but riding up that lift is excruciatingly cold - I shiver the entire time. And once my toes are cold, like 15 minutes into it, then everyone around me gets to hear about it and well....enough said. 2) I have very large calf muscles. From guess what??? Wearing ski boots are agonizing on my calves and I don't love the sport enough [because how cold it is] to go out and spend $900 on customized ski boots. But I do love my kids.
So here I am, two days after Turkey day, finished with all my reflecting on what I'm grateful for, and now entering the marathon taper stress of questioning every....single....thing; the holiday madness stress; and just more life stress. Oh boy, oh boy! So I decided I am going to only pull out 4 boxes of decorations this season so that I can bank the other 24 box time to spend one day with my boys skiing. I may not SKI for long with them but I want to "see" not just "hear" their joy! It's brought a big smile to my face today as the idea popped into my head. I may not always have the brainiest of ideas, but I think this is a good one. And I don't even think I'll begin the 4 box festivities until after I get back from Tucson.
In running news: I took Thursday off from running, day after my 22-er. I couldn't believe how un-sore I was - how very un-normal like of me. It felt good to not walk around with sore quad muscles all day. And to top that, I didn't have a cramp in the calf muscle, which has also been the norm for many months. Yeah to that! Friday: On my schedule was 5 miles at a pretty quick pace. Since I just did this exact run on Tuesday, I opted instead to do 5 miles of hill repeats. Trainer man is on vacation so I couldn't ask his opinion (and frankly, it's time to stop being so needy... and well, okay, I won't get into the "well okay" stuff) and since uphills are my nemesis, I opted for this route. I take my clients on hill repeats all the time and know its one of the best workouts. I do them, just not enough. There is an almost 1/2 mile hill near my house so up and down 5 times I went. Felt good. Felt strong. Yeah to that, also! Saturday (that would be right now): I didn't sleep well last night, at all, and then got up with twin 2 at 5:30 as he set out to go mountain climbing today with his buddy in crime. The two of them are big into mt. climbing - not that that is a bad thing, but it gets out of hand sometimes, which I won't get into now either as this blog is long enough already. After he left, I went back to bed for awhile, sans sleep of course, and am now sitting here debating whether to go out for about 8 easy or bag the run and go to gym for core work and a swim and do 8 at race pace tomorrow. My legs are a little stiff from the hills yesterday so I think plan B is best. This will also force me to do some stretching, which I repeatedly vow to do daily yet rarely do.
And here's my ADD moment story (mostly for kindred ADDer Californian, Meg): I took college daughter shopping last night, avoiding pre-dawn fear-for-your-life madness because, afterall, I had coupons and could use them just as easily in the evening as I could at 3AM. Guess what I forgot sitting at home on kitchen counter??
And I was going to add some real pics of mine but I can't find the cable to download them.... hum...
Happy Miles to all!!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Today's Last Long Run Check List
Here we go:
Pre-run breakfast of champions: oatmeal with cinammon and peanut butter, a banana, and a cup of tea - Check
Water bottle (filled with water) - Check
Xood - Check
Perpetuem - Check
Ibuprofen - Check
S!caps - Check
Sport Beans - Check
Cool pink (of course) running hat - Check
Garmin - Check
Pre-run headache - Check
33 degrees at start - Check
Over-dressed - Check
Run too fast at start - Check
Enjoy the fresh snow-capped mountains - Check
De-clog mind from stress - Quasi-check
Get more water at gas station at mile 6 and not lolly-gag - Check
Think too much about wanting this to be a good run - Check
Blast iPod to distract from wheeze - Check
Remember to actually consume Xood and Perpetuem, unlike last long run - Check
Turn around at mile 11, hit "lap" on watch, discover 11 mile run 30 second avg too fast - Check
Run last 11 miles into wind up a continuous gradual hill - Check
Backache - Check
Stomach cramp - Check
No glute pain - Fat Check
No calf pain - YES, 10 Checks
Pace slow to a crawl - Check
Paying for the first too fast 11 miles - Check
Frustrated - Check, Check, and Check
Back really achy - Check
More Ibuprofen - Check
More water at gas station, this time lolly-gag - Check
Legs want to go on strick - Check
Mind wants to join leg's union - Check
Mind screaming: DO NOT WALK - Check
Wishing e-friend Garbanzo's Monkey Sherpas were carrying my "stuff" - Check
Stay focused - 1/4 Check
Get into a "zone" - Un-check
Finished 22 miles - Check
Chocolate milk recovery drink - Check
Ice bath - Check
Concerns over Tucson Marathon - Check
Nap - Half Check - not long enough
Thinks Tucson will be okay - Not checked yet, but I'm working on it!
Pre-run breakfast of champions: oatmeal with cinammon and peanut butter, a banana, and a cup of tea - Check
Water bottle (filled with water) - Check
Xood - Check
Perpetuem - Check
Ibuprofen - Check
S!caps - Check
Sport Beans - Check
Cool pink (of course) running hat - Check
Garmin - Check
Pre-run headache - Check
33 degrees at start - Check
Over-dressed - Check
Run too fast at start - Check
Enjoy the fresh snow-capped mountains - Check
De-clog mind from stress - Quasi-check
Get more water at gas station at mile 6 and not lolly-gag - Check
Think too much about wanting this to be a good run - Check
Blast iPod to distract from wheeze - Check
Remember to actually consume Xood and Perpetuem, unlike last long run - Check
Turn around at mile 11, hit "lap" on watch, discover 11 mile run 30 second avg too fast - Check
Run last 11 miles into wind up a continuous gradual hill - Check
Backache - Check
Stomach cramp - Check
No glute pain - Fat Check
No calf pain - YES, 10 Checks
Pace slow to a crawl - Check
Paying for the first too fast 11 miles - Check
Frustrated - Check, Check, and Check
Back really achy - Check
More Ibuprofen - Check
More water at gas station, this time lolly-gag - Check
Legs want to go on strick - Check
Mind wants to join leg's union - Check
Mind screaming: DO NOT WALK - Check
Wishing e-friend Garbanzo's Monkey Sherpas were carrying my "stuff" - Check
Stay focused - 1/4 Check
Get into a "zone" - Un-check
Finished 22 miles - Check
Chocolate milk recovery drink - Check
Ice bath - Check
Concerns over Tucson Marathon - Check
Nap - Half Check - not long enough
Thinks Tucson will be okay - Not checked yet, but I'm working on it!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I'm the Only One Not Trotting

I've been reading so many Trotting Turkey blogs and articles - I feel a little like the unpopular kid at school by not running one this Thanksgiving. Denver has one; it's an awesome 4-mile race through historic Washington Park sponsored by United Way. 10,000 runners/walkers. Whoooo, that's a lotta folks!!! But I will not be one of the masses; I have a marathon to run in a couple weeks and it doesn't fit well with my training plan. And that's okay, as much as I'm a "fit-in" sorta girl, I don't particularly like trotting this race, despite it's awesomeness. I don't like running my guts out for 4 hard miles. I don't like how cold it can standing there shivering for an hour before. I'm kinda facing race burn-out after running 17 this year. I don't like how the crowd never really thins out -- 4 miles with 10,000 people just can't "thin", and the competitive running snob that I am doesn't like that the vast majority of entry forms are for walkers and I'm in the mix of that. To say you've run the Turkey Trot is well, to be like everyone else in Denver. That's not me right now. At least I'm big enough to admit that.
But it got me to thinking. Scary sometimes.
The average American will consume about 2000 calories at Thanksgiving dinner -- which is like eating 2-1/2 double Quarter Pounders with cheese at one sitting ... which is, like, painful to even think about.
The average American will consume about 2000 calories at Thanksgiving dinner -- which is like eating 2-1/2 double Quarter Pounders with cheese at one sitting ... which is, like, painful to even think about.
I'm not dishing those that are out there walking or strolling babies, giving Fido some exercise, or even trying to PR as my running partner, Dennis, always dose, in the largest holiday whatever-K annual race. Not at all -- what I love about Turkey Trot's are how entire families will come out and participate. To me, it really is what Thanksgiving is all about, families coming together! I've had my family at this event many times. I've shuffled through this thing in about an hour when Abbey was a mere 2nd grader and a few times beyond; I stopped at a portapotty for many minutes with my girlfriend Meg M-T visiting from Iowa, (who regular reads, but only once commented :P ) at mile 1 (really????); I've walked the race with a girlfriend who was sick that day, still wanted to do it, and I wanted to be with her; I had a maxed-out car of runners where we laughed so hard on the way there that my side hurt so bad and thereofre had to sandbag the run and just let any respectable time go to the wayside; last year I went and cheered Dennis and his son on. Yeah, I have a shelf-full of United Way Turkey Trot T's/pajamas. But not this year.
But I'm just saying, if you can get out there and pound the pavement before you down 2000 turkey day dinner calories while gaining a new turkey shirt to boot, then I'm all for it. It's all about the family time, being together, and just having a great time.
Look for me cheering from the sidelines for you where the wanna-be popular chicks hang; I'll be the one walking funny from the 22 I'm doing tomorrow. Otherwise, I'd be right out there with ya. :)
Monday, November 23, 2009
Week 47/Gratitude
Week 47:
Week's running totals: 31.22
2009 running totals:1668.29
Weight/core training: 3 (I know, finally!)
Yoga class: 1
Days sans sugar: 8 (with a minor mishap; read last blog)
- Spinach (raw; it's totally gross cooked).
- My great mountain run with my great running friend, Dennis.
- The vibrant blue sky here in Colorado!
- Brendan making honor's band - woot!
- I'm off work for 3 days this week!!!!
Week's running totals: 31.22
2009 running totals:1668.29
Weight/core training: 3 (I know, finally!)
Yoga class: 1
Days sans sugar: 8 (with a minor mishap; read last blog)
- Spinach (raw; it's totally gross cooked).
- My great mountain run with my great running friend, Dennis.
- The vibrant blue sky here in Colorado!
- Brendan making honor's band - woot!
- I'm off work for 3 days this week!!!!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
15 head clearing miles
I'm feeling better. Physically (I'm certain it has nothing to do with giving up sugar!!). Mentally is another story but yesterday I had an awesome run and THAT definitely lifts the spirit! Let me take you on my run.
My running friend, Dennis, and I headed up to the mountains yesterday to run. Let's recall that miserable 20 miler I had a couple weeks ago with Matt - the perfectionist I am and all (guilty!) - thought I needed to try it that again. To defend myself, as us perfectionist do, I just needed to get some miles in and a mountain run is a nice diversion to the everyday neighborhood runs; as a bonus, I can get a continuous long downhill run in, which Tucson Marathon is. Dennis offered (okay, I had to bribe him with lunch) to take me and drop me off at the top to let me run down (again) and he'd park at the bottom and run up to where I'd meet him at mile 9 and then we'd run down the last 6 together. Yeah, score all around! (unless, of course, I had a crappy run...then not so much scoring as sulking)
Silver Plume was the run's origi
n, which is just the funniest tiny old silver mining town tucked along the side of the highway. It had this cute bakery nestled back on "Main Street" - which is just a street with a few Victorian houses, about 2 really run-down stores and this bakery, which just stands out with it's antique architecture and neon "open" sign. The fact we ever found this place a couple summer's ago when Dennis and I were running a trail run in the area, needed more water, and just happened to come upon this
place, is amazing. Apparently, it's popular with the Denver commuter ski crowds, but neither of us had ever head of it. Now it's become a staple whenever we are in the area. It has the most amazing bread, about 10 different varieties, all fresh-baked. The smell upon entry is intoxicating. Anyway, I had to pee bad so we stopped at our fav-y bakery (I bought some bread, of course) and headed to the trail.
Since the last time I ran this route
two weeks ago until now, we've seen a pretty significant snowfall and I couldn't find the beginning of the trail. Dennis directed me to the side of the road, thinking that's where it was, so off I went. It didn't take long to realize that if this WAS the trail, I was doomed; it was covered with deep crunchy snow and running was a challenge. About a half mile into it, I realized I am on the median of the highway - with semi's zipping past me about to blow me off the dang thing. Dennis stopped and showed me where the real trail was, just off to the right behind the fence. Relieved, for sure!!!! Smooth sailing from there; only a few patches of snow which I could easily navigate around. Felt very good. VERY good! My quads were a bit stiff, which I have no idea why since I've barely been running; but no calf tightness; no major stomach issues (minor later at mile 11); slight backache at mile 7 where I popped an Aleve; and bonus: ran a great pace (8:28 avg). I found Dennis just a tad beyond our scheduled meeting point at mile 9, which is the ONLY stop I made during the entire 15-mile run so I could use the facilities and get more water. He was feeling good (yea) but he had to run almost 6 miles UP and to boot, in the nasty wind. Major points to me for not stopping 19 times - beings I seem to have a stopping issue lately! I tried to keep my pace even though I was tiring some and there are a few more rolling ups on the last stretch. There's more snow along this section of the road, I guess it doesn't get as much sun as the upper portion does, so I did have to be more careful with my footing. Dennis popped off to find a bush for a minute and I kept going, vowing not to slow. I think it took him a bit over a half mile to catch me (he's speedy) and during this time, I got a tinge of light-headedness. I also had taken some Sport Beans about a mile back and that was starting to upset my stomach. Not sure why since I've been able to take these in the past - this "sensitive stomach" thing is really driving me nuts lately (sometimes? I didn't mean that...I meant "always")!! I took some Xood, electrolyte I've been playing with and some Perpetuem, which I'm using in place of GU, and that seemed to combat both the problems slightly. When Dennis and I ran to the top of the underpass hill into Idaho Springs, I told him it was time to pick up the pace the last mile and not to let me fall under 8:05. I wanted to get off the main road away from the traffic so hopped off onto what I thought was a side street but actually was an alley - which was a little snowy and slick. I cranked out the last mile in 8:01 - yea - and stopped my watch, and my run, at 15 miles on....the.....dot!
A huge spirit boost f
or sure. Despite what's going on in my personal life that's been clawing me downward, today's run was a huge victory. Dennis and I celebrated with my promised bribe and had lunch at Beau Jo's, famous for it's really thick pizza crust that you dip in honey at the end (Pic: how's that for a pizza!!!). In true recent ADD nature, I did the customary crust into honey dip and yikes!!!! totally didn't think ahead to honey falling into giving-up-sugar-for-while category. Oh well, it wasn't pounds of processed sugar'd chocolate candy or half my daughter's birthday cake - it was a couple tsp of honey and well...I had reason to celebrate (I can justify most anything :) ). I'm certain the pizza itself was more destructive than the tad of honey I consumed. ugh.

I'm not sure how the next few weeks are going to pan out with all the mess that's piling high at home but I'm grateful that I got my mind to temporarily let go and allow myself to do what I love to do most: run! It may be borrowed time, I'm not sure, but I loved that I had a great run today - on MANY levels! And I'm grateful for my running friends that continue to be there for me. Wow, it's not even "weekly mileage/Gratitude" blog day!!!
Other news:
- college daughter is home. Her stuff is scattered all over the upstairs hallway. 6 weeks may be...challenging....(but man, I have missed her!! She just needs to get a holiday job!!!!!!)
- I'm not that sore today. SCORE!
- Starting day 7 of sans sugar (we're not counting the slight honey mishap as "sugar" this time around :) ): going okay. Some times harder than others. As I sit here and type at my kitchen counter, I have to say I'm somewhat craving a bowl of Coco Puffs!! But I won't give in. It's just an experiment, to see if I can manage to have some self-control, through the marathon. And to get my body fat down (it is - yea!!). I'm sure I'll be flying on a sugar high the day after Tucson!
- Took the boys to the high school play last night: Dracula. Wanted them to see how the high schoolers did it - they were impressed. Great play! I hope they continue with drama in high school. Neither of them are "actors" - they are technical and like the stage crew. Twin 2 loves the lighting, twin 1 the set set-up.
- I'm officially done with winter. What month is it???
- Shout outs to those running the Philly marathon today! And all other races. I hope everyone runs strong!
My running friend, Dennis, and I headed up to the mountains yesterday to run. Let's recall that miserable 20 miler I had a couple weeks ago with Matt - the perfectionist I am and all (guilty!) - thought I needed to try it that again. To defend myself, as us perfectionist do, I just needed to get some miles in and a mountain run is a nice diversion to the everyday neighborhood runs; as a bonus, I can get a continuous long downhill run in, which Tucson Marathon is. Dennis offered (okay, I had to bribe him with lunch) to take me and drop me off at the top to let me run down (again) and he'd park at the bottom and run up to where I'd meet him at mile 9 and then we'd run down the last 6 together. Yeah, score all around! (unless, of course, I had a crappy run...then not so much scoring as sulking)
Silver Plume was the run's origi
Since the last time I ran this route

A huge spirit boost f

I'm not sure how the next few weeks are going to pan out with all the mess that's piling high at home but I'm grateful that I got my mind to temporarily let go and allow myself to do what I love to do most: run! It may be borrowed time, I'm not sure, but I loved that I had a great run today - on MANY levels! And I'm grateful for my running friends that continue to be there for me. Wow, it's not even "weekly mileage/Gratitude" blog day!!!
Other news:
- college daughter is home. Her stuff is scattered all over the upstairs hallway. 6 weeks may be...challenging....(but man, I have missed her!! She just needs to get a holiday job!!!!!!)
- I'm not that sore today. SCORE!
- Starting day 7 of sans sugar (we're not counting the slight honey mishap as "sugar" this time around :) ): going okay. Some times harder than others. As I sit here and type at my kitchen counter, I have to say I'm somewhat craving a bowl of Coco Puffs!! But I won't give in. It's just an experiment, to see if I can manage to have some self-control, through the marathon. And to get my body fat down (it is - yea!!). I'm sure I'll be flying on a sugar high the day after Tucson!
- Took the boys to the high school play last night: Dracula. Wanted them to see how the high schoolers did it - they were impressed. Great play! I hope they continue with drama in high school. Neither of them are "actors" - they are technical and like the stage crew. Twin 2 loves the lighting, twin 1 the set set-up.
- I'm officially done with winter. What month is it???
- Shout outs to those running the Philly marathon today! And all other races. I hope everyone runs strong!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It Can't All Be Wedding Cake

I love wedding cake! Love everything about 'em- what they symbolizes: happiness, eternal bliss (well, at least initially), life ever after (hopefully). Love it's exquisite taste - the best sugar rush in the world! I could eat it forever (or until I passed out from a sugar high). The cake is way better than the actual wedding!
I don't want to get too philosophical in a running blog but metaphor girl here had The Underdog from 'Spoon' pop on her iPod during yesterday's run and well, I knew that had to be the subject for my blog - cuz up to that point, I was having yet another miserable run, walking up a hill at mile 2 and tears started to well inside. Walking - and frustrated beyond belief - I heard that song and it hit me: it's not my wedding cake time right now. Not my running and not my life.
I stopped my watch. And I ran. No pace pressure. No Garmin telling me I was off. No schedule telling me how far I could or could not go. I just ran and I ran hard! Up hills. Down hills. I felt my mind clear of the clutter it's been littered with lately and I once again was doing what I love so much - running clear-headed and free!
Rob told me the other day I was burned-out. Maybe he didn't tell me, maybe he asked me in a indirect way that was telling me. Either way, I didn't have to think about this long before I had decided this wasn't true. I love to run. It's not just a hobby; it's not even just a passion. It's my life and I am a better "me" because running is in my life. But when the weight of life is so overbearing and your mind can no longer clear the entanglement, it's hard to make the legs function properly. This only smothers the mind further and where running is usually a stress release for me, it is now so frustrating - because I can't get the mind to clear the ugly muck. It's not wedding cake days right now - and I accept that. I'll take a few scattered M&M's.
Okay, enough of that nonsense!!
How ironic that I'd title the blog about cake when I made an oath on Monday, after inhaling half my daughter's birthday cake over the weekend, that I am giving up sugar for while. In post-lunch coma, I tend to scour the halls of school in search of sugar to put a bandaid on my lethargy. I know every office and faculty lounge where sugar's hiding and I needed it for survival. A temporary fix, like a drug addict's high. Problem is, I can't eat just one tiny Snickers or a half a cookie....nope, I had to have multiples. Many multiples. Not everyday, but on the days I sought it out was enough to warrant recent concern. My un-budging body fat told me it was time to go cold turkey. Give it a try. A challenge; I love a good challenge! All or nothing, baby. So I'm on day 4 today - and I'm actually doing well. Okay, a pretty major headache today ... but nothing a couple, or three, Ibuprofen couldn't cure. I bypassed pie at the Thanksgiving faculty luncheon today and please note: I was even pie-server for awhile. Nothing like over-baked, store-bought pumpkin pie I tell ya!! So we'll see how this little experiment goes. I was encouraged to read Red Headed Girl's report of her total sugar/junk food depletion pre-Chicago. She totally cracked me up later, when she sent me an email, and said she went into a sugar coma upon completion of her marathon when she ate so much candy. Ha. I'm certain I'll be right there with ya., Red - I'm certain I'll be having some... cake!
In other, unrelated running news:
- ADD moments: nothing major but still, the day can't go without something I've blundered. Tuesday: had dinner with a friend and forgot my wallet. Maybe that was convenience? Wednesday: Hunted for my car keys in my purse for about 5 minutes after work. They were in my hand the whole time. Thursday: I forgot to put the top on the blender of my morning banana/blueberry protein shake. Purple puree plastered all over my entire kitchen. Of course, on a day I'm late for work! btw, my latest protein shake concoction is banana/blueberry. YUM! 1 cup ice cubes, 3/4 cup frozen blueberries, 3/4 of a banana (eat the other raw, or throw into smoothie if you like lotsa banana), 2 scoops Isopure protein powder, 1/2 cup milk (or more if you like it creamier), water. Normally, I add a handful of spinach, per my raw-food friend, Claire. Blend for about 2 minutes. It's the bestest best and I admit I've become addicted! Like my friend, sugar...but it's a good addiction, like my friend, running.
- Matt knows of Boston's closing. Dilemma solved - he read my blog :(. Even commented on it. Who knew he even read it. He's cool with the Boston thing, I think. I still feel bad.
- Twin 2 gave me ample notice yesterday morning when he told me he had mandatory try-outs for honor's band....that evening... at 6pm. Um, forget my plans for dinner with a friend. Or at least alter plans to later. But the best news out of all that???? He made honor's band!!! Very proud of that one! And I did get to have a quick dinner with an old friend, just a bit later than planned.
- College daughter's last final is Saturday. Then she's home for 6 weeks. Yes, 6. No further comment.
- Yesterday I had a awesome hair day. Today it sucked!
- Thank the Lord tomorrow's Friday.
- I'm in the process of photo-journaling my daily food intake. I get many questions on what I eat daily so I thought I'd share. More to come on that....
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday Monday and then Monday

I might as well start out the blog with my ADD moment of the day:
Twin 1 and twin 2 have orthodontist appointments today. I have to leave work early ... the boys HATE getting out of school for this; they don't like making up the missed work. I'm so sick of these braces and want them off; the commute every 6-8 weeks is growing old (I just got child #1 out of them when these two got in them. I've made this journey sooo oo ooo oooo often) so I take the first available appointment so that we can just speed up this process and get...it...over! Of course twin 2 doesn't seem to want to do was he's told (aka: wear the dang rubber bands) so I've told him he has to pay for gas to appts from now on. Ok, I won't really make him...but I'm tempted, if you know what I'm saying. But back to the story. Upon return from the ortho, twin 2 tells me he has to stop by the house to get pencil lead, he has nothing to write with at school. My question to him: if I hadn't plucked you out of school today, please tell me you wouldn't be calling me at work to bring you pencil lead!!??!! Oh no, mom, I'd just borrow a pencil. Ok, he missed the point - but nevertheless, I stop by home to get pencil lead because it's right by our house. Pull in garage, leave car running since it will be brief, forget to put the car in "P", car lunges forward, and wham!!! it hits the cabinets directly in front, knocking a door off one of them and said door lands smack on the hood of my car - leaving a pretty swell dent.
It's obviously gonna be a week pretty much matched to last week in ADD moments.
Running. Well, let's hope that's improving. I dunno, it's only Monday. After Saturday's run practically landed me in a mental institution, Sunday's 6 was better. Back at the gym due to 10" of snow outside but this time I opted for Jim's run around the indoor track vs the treadmill. I had no plan other than to run. No time. No idea of mileage. Just run. The type of runs I miss sometimes. Maybe that's my ticket because the ole legs were feeling fine. 6 laps = 1 mile so the curves are tight and frequent, which slows the pace some, but I was cranking out 8:15's pretty much for 5 straight miles. And I didn't stop! I didn't...except to get a very quick drink twice, directly off the track! I cranked out the last mile at 7:25 and didn't even feel like I was pushing it at all! Woot! I think I prefer the round and round ...and round..and round....and roundround round option over the treadmill - at least on this day. If I had to pop my bod on that treadmill again, I'd probably have a meltdown.
After today's ADD incident, I ventured down to DU where child #1 attends college to bring her yet another cake (devoured 1st over the weekend. Indicative by my increased body fat taken tonight by t-man - ugh) and some flowers. Today she turns 19!! I initially thought I'd have them sent to her but the cost of delivery is ridiculous and well...I just wanted to see her :). She has Biology lab on Monday nights so couldn't take her to dinner but she still had $100 bucks on her DU dollars, which expire like on Friday (end of semester 1 - can't believe it), so we had a shopping fest of $52 in the convenient store in her dorm lobby (okay Meg M-T, did we ever have a convenient store located in the ground floor of either dorm we lived in??? I think not!!!!) and loaded up on all sorts of crap! I told her to make sure she used the last of her $48 - I mean, that's like free money, I don't care what kinda of garbage you can buy with it!!!! (actually, it's not all bad...they even have Muscle Milk - yum!). Upon return from this little adventure, I plopped on my treadmill (ugh) and cranked out 3 miles at 8:45 and then met Rob immediately after where I did another 1.3 miles at a 8:34 pace (followed by a lot of core stuff). Legs felt good...mind still is another story. But I'm working on it.
Rob and I had a little chat about where my head, heart, and legs are right now. It was good, nothing decisive and, as always, we ran out of time to get to the meat of the discussion. But it was good. I literally use the word "we" when I say that the whole lack of nutrition thing was something that "we" did not put into play in Portland and I think he feels like our ticket to get this whole thing worked out was Tucson - and I agreed. 5 weeks ago. But life gets in the way sometimes and well, I'm just not sure how the next 3 1/2 weeks are going to play out....
.... just one day at a time - and that's about all I can do right now! I have selfishly given my running so much of my time over the past couple years and well, maybe it's not marathon training's time right now. Other things need my attention and I'm not sure if I can land my head back into the place it needs to be to carry my body 26.2 miles in Tucson. We shall see
Ok, I gotta ask a groupie a question. How do you tell someone, someone who you twisted the arm of to run Tucson to BQ, that Boston is now full? I mean....I feel awful!!! Dennis, my sometimes running partner, said, "I'm not telling him." Thanks, Dennis! Matt's been a super friend to me (let's recall the long run from hell a week ago in the mts.) as far as running pals go and I feel I need to tell him...he even emailed me today just to say HI and mentioned what he's been running, etc. argh! I feel bad, as I do for everyone that planned to do one of these late fall fast marathons to BQ... "Um Matt, btw, you know that little marathon in April where you're gonna run your guts out in a mere few weeks to get to Boston? Well, um, about that....Boston is so way over-rated - you don't need to run Boston, it's really hard and um, well, let's just skip trying to get there...." Really, he wasn't even sure if he'd go in 2010 if he made it and said he'd probably opt to run it in 2011 (I still don't like that 18-month window they give you...but I don't write the rules - I'm just grateful I finally got my sorry butt registered in the nick of time!). One of my e-friends said to tell him that I thought he said "Austin" marathon, not Boston. Hahah. That made me laugh.
I love bananas!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Week 46 and Gratitude
Week 46: (really, it is really week 46 in the year aleady??? Sheesh..)
Week's running totals: 32.5
2009 running totals:1637.07
Weight/core training: 1 and some change (change: I did a few nights of core stuff at night before crawling into bed. Only 1 official day training in the gym. I gotta fix this!)
5 Grateful things in my life for this week:
1 - Dannon Lemon Light and Fit Yogurt. Yum!!! And beings I could barely stomach yogurt for the longest time, this is very exciting.
2 - My incredible e-friends who really have picked me up tremendously this week with their blog comments and advice.
3 - My Down comforter - which I think I'm going to be snuggled in a LOT this winter *sigh*.
4 - That I am lucky I get to run, no matter how difficult it sometimes is.
5 - I missed out on yet another weekend raking leaves due to snow on the ground. (I may regret this come spring, as I always do. But for now...yahoo!)
Week's running totals: 32.5
2009 running totals:1637.07
Weight/core training: 1 and some change (change: I did a few nights of core stuff at night before crawling into bed. Only 1 official day training in the gym. I gotta fix this!)
5 Grateful things in my life for this week:
1 - Dannon Lemon Light and Fit Yogurt. Yum!!! And beings I could barely stomach yogurt for the longest time, this is very exciting.
2 - My incredible e-friends who really have picked me up tremendously this week with their blog comments and advice.
3 - My Down comforter - which I think I'm going to be snuggled in a LOT this winter *sigh*.
4 - That I am lucky I get to run, no matter how difficult it sometimes is.
5 - I missed out on yet another weekend raking leaves due to snow on the ground. (I may regret this come spring, as I always do. But for now...yahoo!)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Legs Are Not Happy....

I wasn't going to even write today because I felt I had nothing to say, but as I was downstairs awhile ago doing dishes, all sorts of thoughts were swarming and oh yeah...I got lots to say. So grab a cup of coffee and take a seat, this may take awhile.
I'm not going to sugar coat this (though I'm also not going to go into massive details - you're relieved, I'm sure), my legs are not happy with me and have decided to go on strike. They've been on the picket line for a couple weeks now ... Rob asked me today what their demands were: more rest or more running. Though I think I know what my mind wants, I honestly don't know how to answer that. And the legs are trying to recruit other body parts and are working hard at getting my mind to join the striking union.
With 3 days off from running, I thought my legs would be eager to pound out some miles today. My friend, Jim, and I talked about doing a 1/2 marathon today. A snowstorm 3 weeks ago altered plans for a 1/2 then and low-and-behold, I wake up this morning to guess what???? More snow. It wasn't "bad" but there was snow on the ground and beings this 1/2 was on a trail, I'm sure that trail was covered in snow. This may not be that big of a concern but with the marathon 4 weeks away, I didn't want to screw up another ankle. Or worse. Last night coming home from the grocery store, I managed to lock my anti-lock breaks coming down a hill and turning a slight corner. Locked breaks on a snow-covered road caused my car to sliiiiiide down the road and hop up onto a sidewalk via a large curb. That was scary. And now my car's making a funky grinding noise. No "service-now" lights are displaying on the dash so I'm going to just pretend that this little noise I hear it just a hiccup and will go away soon (which we all know it won't). About the last thing I need right now is car issues!! So anyway, that's just an indication of what a mess the streets were with the couple inches of snow we got last night (LOTS more are predicted for tonight and tomorrow. Ugh! Nov. 14 and I am officially sick of winter already. I need a change....) and a half marathon today wasn't really ideal (though I told Jim, we'd probably manage to place in our age groups beings no one was probably going to show up :) ).
Instead, we opted for massive miles at the gym. The uber-cool 24-hour Fitness near my house is one of a couple gyms I belong to (don't ask), and is the only one that is ... well...uber-cool (okay, here's the scoop: I also have a punch card at the rec center because prior clients used it so I'd go there with them and I also am forced to join the uber-small gym that trainer-man works out of. But I don't workout there other than with him cuz it's really tiny, crowded, and it's hours are not convenient. It's really cheap, though). I talked Jim into going with me, since we were suppose to go to the race anyway. I told a little white-lie to the attendant at the check-in desk and said that my friend was here visiting from out of town so I could get him in for free...but more so, so that he didn't get the 30-minute come-join-our-gym spiel. Nothing more annoying! My ADD mind forgot that the front desk guy dude would ask my out-of-town guest where he was from and have him fill out a liability waver. Quick thinking Jim recalled the conversation en route when I mentioned there was no 24-hour in Albuquerque when I was down there a couple weeks ago and said, "Albuquerque" as his place of residence. Yea, we said a few Hail Mary's for that one!!
So Jim runs the indoor track. 12 miles. Maybe I should have attempted doing that but 6 laps = 1 mile and the thought of running 72 laps was causing my brain to cramp just thinking about it. I mean, who in the heck can keep track of that many laps!!???!! I opted for the counting-your-laps-for-you treadmill and scored one that actually has a decline option, which I need. Or so I think. My goal for the 1/2 today wasn't at a PR pace, I just wanted to get in a run, withouth stopping for whatever 500 reasons I seem to stop lately, at a comfortable yet challening, pace.
But my mind's functioning with a big cloud hovering overhead right now; it's teetering between what it knows it wants to do and where it's union buddies are pulling to lure it in. I truly thought today was going to be an awesome run....but maybe I just wanted it to be. Maybe I wanted it so bad that I set myself up for failure. Truth is, I really wasn't feeling it. I can't say the run was a disaster; if I had to rate it, I'd give it a C-. Brendan tells me frequently, "Mom, a C is average." I don't necessarily view a C as average - especially to a child that is perfectly capable of so much more....but if a C *is* average, then my run was below that.
I wanted badly to run about 10-12 at hopeful marathon race pace (8:30). I set the thing on an 8:27 pace and off I went. I lasted about a mile before I stopped; my legs were screaming. Stretched my calf some and back at it running. I struggled with this - doing a couple miles, then go get a drink, a couple more, then hit the bathroom (when I really didn't have to go), couple more , stretch. I was dying. And there was no reason to be. None.
Except there was. A LOT of personal, highly stressful stuff going on in the ole life right now and what would normally be an excellent way to alleviate the stress by a getting in a long, grueling run, is not working that way right now. I'm not sleeping very well and that is affecting my running - just for starters. My mind's twisted and I can't concentrate and I can't get the legs convinced that the mind doesn't want to join legs lazy party.
My longest running friend way back from the good old Alabama living days, Jeff, sent me an email and stated I was massively over trained - a good 50-100% and needed to cut my training 1/2 to 2/3 to recover. He said I needed to decide if I wanted sustainability or not and how it only works if I can be honest with myself and say "oops, I've crossed the line." I'm being honest here: I may be a tad over trained. Not so much in the fact I've racked up mega miles since Portland, but because I haven't had a break since ... oh....January! I'm 46, not 26 or even 36. I know this, I remind Rob of this constantly. And I fully understand I am pushing the envelope with Tucson by continuing to run yet one more marathon this year. I do understand that! But I also feel that reduced mileage is not the answer to the issues of my legs and mind - the personal stress going on is manifesting itself in my sluggish state. And knots in my glute and calf.
I just need to turn it all around - and that is the goal. I know I can do it!!! I love a great challenge; if I can run 26.2 miles, I can certainly turn this little situation around. I'm going to start by running a few, easy miles tomorrow - and feeling good about them!
Jeff whole-heartedly suggested that I stop and smell the roses after Tuscon. Already done, Jeff...(and btw, blog lurkers should really "comment" occasionally - it's really nice to know who's reading your blog . You all know who you are... ahem, Meg M.ahem as well as Jeff and many others ahem :) ). I had just sent an email to Rob a week ago and said: upon my return from Tucson, I will run, and I will go to Yoga, and I will go to cycling class, and I will lift lots of weights, and I will join the DU master's swim team or whatever else looks inviting - when I want to, not when I have to. And I will have no race plans until Boston and then I will think about a 50-miler. A few races in 2010, not 17 like 2009. It's been a year of great results but I'm ready for a break....after one more marathon!
Just one more chance.....
Woosh...how's that for a blog! I'm heading off to bed...and I'm already feeling better! It's all going to be good :).
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Mother of All Knots

I'm not sure it's a good idea to write a blog post having consumed 2 Tylenol PM's about 15 minutes ago ... but here I go anyway.....
Here's my vent for the day; I'm going to limit it to one because if I get too much on a roll, I may not stop. So here it is. I am overly sick and tired of the glute/calf KNOTS I keep developing. I went to massage therapy with Elizabeth yesterday, you know the masochistic Nazi-therapist who likes to inflict as much physical torture on me that she possibly can. She has a totally different approach to getting the pain out by putting as much physical force into the problem area, grinding away at the deep tissue, gnawing at it until I literally want to scream - whereas Charlie, the massage therapist I used to go to, but was not available in September when I had some major pain (and therefore I had to scramble to find Elizabeth quickly), has a more subtle approach by "pushing" around the annoying problem. I don't know who is better, E certainly torments me while I am there, all the while saying, "Don't cringe, don't fight it." Huh? How do you not fight being tortured to death? But I have to say, I walk away feeling really good and the next day! Ahhh! Charlie, I don't immediately feel better upon his massage, but I do later...and honestly, Charlie and I have a connection of sorts; I've seen him now and then for almost 2 years and well, he just knows me. He knows how emotionally attached I am to these races and he spends about 15 minutes talking to me before he starts working his magic on me, learning about what's going on in my life. There's something to be said about that. I prepaid for Charlie sessions before he threw his back out and therefore left me stranded and seeking athletic souls I knew for a new massage therapist. Found Elizabeth. Paid Elizabeth for a few sessions in advance, since I could save bucks this way and that's how I'm now using two massage therapists.
I have one session left for both. Two total.
And that's it. I'm not going back to either, unless I have some major excruciating pain that cannot be run out on it's own.
It's not, necessarily, due to cost - though this is certainly a factor. But I seriously think that the instant I run, all the mess comes back, to some degree. Elizabeth touched my right calf yesterday and said, "Wow, that's the mother of all knots." Her and I got into a little discussion about the why's and preventions and came up with no profound explanation nor solution. *sigh*
So, I'm going to use my last two massage therapy sessions and then I'm going to stretch! And stretch and stretch. And stretch. And strrreeeetttchhhh! I am. I even started tonight by stretching the heck outta my calf cuz it was yelling at me while I was doing some intervals. Which, btw, I failed miserably at yesterday so pulled all my will together tonight and knocked out 9x1200's at a 6:44 pace. Them weren't easy, no sir, but I hung in there and cranked out a total of 10.75 miles. On intervals!!
I'll close this post with my ADD moment for today: I looked at my clock this morning and thought it said 5:25, when it actually said 5:35. I work out with Rob at 5:30 and I live about 6 minutes away (at that hour in the morning, anyway). Yeah, I was a tad bit late for that workout. Never-the-less, I had a good strength training/core workout immediately followed by a mile at 7:30 (trying to teach the body to keep running while fatigued) and then tonight, the rocking 1200's. One wonders why I need the Tylenol PM....
Monday, November 9, 2009
Week 45 and Gratitude
Week 45:
Week's running totals: 41.5
2009 running totals:1604.57
Weight/core training: 1.3 (.3 because I was suppose to do a circuit of 3 reps and only did 1. Don't ask)
In the midst of some pretty blah stuff going on lately, I read someones blog about 5 things they are grateful for that week and decided I needed to do this also. It's probably going to be pretty random and not necessarily in order of priorities of my life but just things nevertheless. So here ya go:
5 Grateful Thoughts this week:
1) Semi-green bananas in my fruit bowl.
2) Matt meeting me in the mountains and waiting for my sorry ass to get down.
3) Vitamin C tablets.
4) Brendan came home pumped to try the IB program in high school next year (he may not have the ability to do it, who knows, but he's excited...and THAT excites me).
5) I live in Colorado.
Week's running totals: 41.5
2009 running totals:1604.57
Weight/core training: 1.3 (.3 because I was suppose to do a circuit of 3 reps and only did 1. Don't ask)
In the midst of some pretty blah stuff going on lately, I read someones blog about 5 things they are grateful for that week and decided I needed to do this also. It's probably going to be pretty random and not necessarily in order of priorities of my life but just things nevertheless. So here ya go:
5 Grateful Thoughts this week:
1) Semi-green bananas in my fruit bowl.
2) Matt meeting me in the mountains and waiting for my sorry ass to get down.
3) Vitamin C tablets.
4) Brendan came home pumped to try the IB program in high school next year (he may not have the ability to do it, who knows, but he's excited...and THAT excites me).
5) I live in Colorado.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Strike 3....but I'm not out!

btw, I did not run a half marathon today, as indicated on my race report and calendar; 2' of snow last week left last weekend's long downhill mountain run pushed to today and therefore I dropped the race. Which is fine; my sole purpose of running it was to get some speed work in. I may do one next weekend instead, I'll have to see how the week plays out and a much needed, non-teary-eyed conversation with Rob pertaining to the rest of my Tucson training, like I had earlier in the week.
So the 20 mile downhill mountain run was today. Originally scheduled for tomorrow but Matt, running friend from the Pickled Prostate group I occasionally run with, sent email yesterday and thought today would be better for the run because the weather was calling for drizzle tomorrow in the mountains. He is running Tucson also and wanted to get in a good downhill run to emulate Tucson's vast downhills. I'm in. I need downhill training. I need uphill training more but I won't go there right now. This run, which I've done a few times in the past, is about 20 miles from Bakerville to the little old gold mining town of Idaho Springs; you lose about 2000', which closely matches Tucson marathon's elevation loss (yeah, a sign of a true addict, for sure: any trail within a 2-hour radius which simulates upcoming next race and all plans for the day are pushed aside to run it!). This was probably a big mistake for me: my legs just came off of two miserable runs the past 2 days and though they felt great yesterday after a sucky attempt at a timed mile (strike 1: got to 9/10 of a 6:27 paced run and just quit. I couldn't get any air in my lungs and I was hurting. Bad.) followed by a slower than race-pace tempo run on Thursday night (strike 2: lesson learned here - never start a 9 mile run after 4:30 pm after daylight savings; it gets pitch dark by 5:15, Jill gets scared outta her mind by how creepy the night alone in the park is (with howling coyote, to boot), and it gets flipping freezing - a good 20 degrees cooler than at the start. I took off too fast to avoid as much darkness as I could and, as customary, died at the end. It's becoming my motto: run too fast in beginning, die at end. Repeat for next run). I don't think I was ready for today's run.
Today: strike 3 - failed attempt #3 at running in as many days. Here's today's dissection to my distressed run:
- From the start, I had some hip flexor pain on my left side. Article sited says, "You may be able to run just fine at slower speeds and shorter distances, but as the distance or speed increases; watch out - it can bite. Be sure to fully recover before resuming progressive training." I wasn't aware I had any hip flexor issues prior to run so not sure I could have "recovered before resuming..." so running 20 only exacerbated the matter. Maybe I should have stretched it some pre-run. Stretching before a run? What's that?
- When Matt, a sub 7 min/miler said he'd run with me for the first 4 or so miles, that didn't mean I should listen to the evil voices telling me I needed to run a sub 7:30 pace so he didn't have to prod along with me at his snail's pace. 4 miles at a 7:28 pace avg set off warning bells - heck, sirens were blaring in my ears this pace was too fast, but I pretended they weren't there and ran at what I would consider an excellent 5K pace anyway (let's recall motto from above!!).
- Mid and Lower backache-y-ness slamming me about mile 7. I usually take an Aleve before I set off on my long runs; my self-undiagnosed-until-today ADD must have kicked in and I did not take one. To prove my newly label was not just a mere fluke, the baggie of said pain relievers, which always resides in my running pack, was absent. I swear, I put it in there last night. I'm not sure my best friend, Aleve, would have abated the pain totally but 13 miles with back issues is exceedingly miserable. I can't help but think it would have helped. At least some.
(this just in: as I laid in bed last night trying to sleep, I suddenly remembered that I placed my little package of pain relievers in zipped pouch inside my running pack; I had them all along. Um, yeah...about that ADD....)
- Mid stomach queasiness and mild cramping, an enigmatic symptom I thought I axed some time ago, resurfaced about mile 9. Matt thought it was dehydration related. Possibly. I certainly didn't feel dehydrated but I've been wrong with this thought before. I'm experimenting with Xood, the electrolyte of choice by the Tucson race officials (I'm going to write an article on how there needs to be a standard electrolyte replacement for all marathons. My 5th marathon this year is approaching - 5th electrolyte. I think. For a chick which a sensitive stomach, experimenting with this is never fun). Also playing with Perpetuem as a nutrition to re-fuel my glycogen levels since one thing I know I cannot consume is GU. I've taken these two products a couple times now with great success so don't think that these were the culprits to my demise. But who knows. Which is just beyond frustrating!
- Started run at 10,000'. Enough said.
- And finally, the last of innumerable culprits to cripple today's run: I stopped at an old abandoned cemetery around mile 13 to take some pictures; it's beauty and stillness engrossed me as I floated from barely legible marker to marker, trying to read dates and names. I wish I could have spent the day there; the desolation and of removal from the world and its frantic pace was pulling me in. When I started up to run again, my legs did NOT want to move. Not one tiny bit. I depleted all mental strength here and just decided that it was better to slow the pace to a crawl than to fight the demons in my head telling me to stop. Around mile 17, I secretly hoped a car would approach and take pity on my faltered state and give me a ride to Matt's car at mile 20. Omg, I can't believe I thought that.
I finally arrived in Idaho Springs to Matt's car, having stopped my watch 3 miles earlier because I couldn't handle the sight of a Garmin-read 10:34 pace on a downhill anymore. Matt was gracious enough to be patient and told me it was fine I floundered in a good half hour after him. I'm sure he didn't mind, but I felt bad. We chatted about each other's runs (he ran a negative split. Hate him. :) ) then he drove me back up to Bakersville to retrieve my car - which was more excruciatingly painful than the run. Sitting there with major glute and hip flexor pain from 20 downhill miles was causing me to sit every which way I could, trying to get comfortable. At least Matt said, too, that he had major hamstring issues after runs like this and he, too, was in agony sitting in the car. Not that I wish anyone pain, but what a relief to know I wasn't alone in car-ride-suffering.
I'm not deflated with today's run (okay, maybe mildly) nor the previous two (okay mildly on those, too), which combined might normally land me in la-la-land, but I think all is going to go well in Tucson. Call it clairvoyance or an insight of sorts, but I think that I'm going to be just fine!
With 5 weeks left to Tucson; I just jumped back into training three weeks ago after Portland .... so what do I taper off of? Surely, I don't need a 3 week taper with 5 weeks of training!?! A new world to me. Matt suggested we do today's long run again in two weeks. I think not, though I may run about 15 miles of it and hit my longest run day before Turkey Day. I don't know....err...
My ice bath revived my achy legs and I'm rearing to go!
(btw, I have proper spacing on my blog between paragraphs when editing, but when I go to "pubish it" the paragraphs are all mushed together as one or large gaping spaces. I think it has something to do with the timing of picture insertion....didn't want people to think I'm ADD. Oh wait, that's right, I am!)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Counting the Tick Marks

9x800's at 3:22 + 1x1 mile at 6:44. Pretty stoked about that one, baby!! Had to make some tick marks on a piece of paper just so I didn't get lost! Now THAT feels good!!
6x800's were on my plan. But a few modifications were needed, I felt.
I received a comment from an e-friend today; he told me I was ULTRA-serious about my running! He can't be more right - a fact I admit. It's more than a passion, it's an addiction and I take it very seriously. He told me, too, I was about in the upper 97% of those that are addicted to running as much as I am. To that statement, I may contest. I read many blogs and articles and have running friends alike, and one common theme is that we all take it pretty seriously. And honestly, if you take the time to write a running blog - I think it it's safe to say, you are a junkie! Maybe we are in the upper 97%!
That said, my fixation on my quest left me in a not very happy state after I was given my plan for the week from t-man. We usually go over my plan and discuss before final but this week, I just got it. No discussion, just here it is. I opened it and saw I was barely running and the tears started flowing. The thing is, I'm sure he had he reasons, he always has my best interest in mind (I hope) and puts a lot of thought into my plan, but when I ask for something and get something totally different, I'd think an explanation of why would be nice. I didn't get it. And normally this wouldn't bother me as much as it did, but Tucson is only a few weeks away.....
The stress of Tucson Marathon is mounting; I can feel it. Everything that can easily slip away without a lot of thought is suddenly lurking in the shadow, ready to pounce. I knew it was going to come quicker and with a vengeance this round; I didn't get ample down time after Portland to enjoy my running and re coop. I'm trying to ward the fear and anxiety off before it's at the forefront of every thought and damages all around me. Best way, I've learned, is to keep a very open line of communication to exchange information, ideas, and thoughts with t-man. If I can abate the accumulating questions from ascending, I will be in a much better place in the end. I can't help the stress and anxiety I bear; it's because I'm in the 97 percentile of those that have a running addiction, I guess :).
73 degrees in the Mile High city tomorrow.....and to think that a week ago we had 2 feet of snow! Gotta love Colorado!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A way for a faster marathon!
I was going to write a lot about the weekend and my run, and I still may (I tend to get on a roll writing and my "short" blog turns into a major novel)...but I'm really tired and not in the bestest of moods. Ever have one of those days??!!!??? Yeah, I'm having it.
I've decided that instead of giving myself an extra hour with daylight savings today, I'm going to bank it for later to reduce my Tucson marathon time for much faster result :). That's the way for a faster marathon!!
Back to work tomorrow - I've been off all week. It's been great! We did a lot of things such as our trip to New Mexico for a few days and the boys had a blast Trick-or-Treating with all their friends last night. I have definitely hit a new phase of life with them! Oh, can't forget the 2' of snow we got which turned old quickly! The boys had a great time playing outdoors, but I'm telling ya...what a royal pain in the butt snow clothes are. Off, in dryer, on, repeat x8! Plus, that much snow is too much snow! Abbey did come home for a night, though, so that's alway's special. I didn't get as much done around the house as I intended (do I ever???) but managed to sort through piles of mail that was sitting there which I had hoped to look at more closely (i.e. junk mail); decided to just toss it all out. That's one way to take care of it!
So where did I leave off last with the training and where to pick up....
Friday, I went to cycling class. I love cycling class. Well, let me rephrase that: I love 8:30 a.m. cycling class with my instructor friend, Jill, at the Rec Center. I don't get to go often because, well, I work that time slot! When I'm off from school, though, I try to incorporate that class into my training. I had this past Friday off work and I planned to go to her class, but waited on Brendan to get his act together (he wanted to go) and well, he had some stomach issues so we missed that class ... more stomach issues later, and he doesn't want to go to 24-hour's cycling class at 9:00. So I went by myself. That's okay...but I wish he would have gone, he needs the exercise. Anyway, that class is hard, they all are, but not quite as fun as Jill's. I sweat like crazy whenever I go; always a good sign of a good workout. I was happy I didn't have biker's butt over the weekend, which I tend to get when I haven't cycled for awhile, so yea for that. I did, though, have some more Tensor Fascia muscle soreness the remainder of the day Friday but I iced it a lot it's happy now.
Saturday, I went to the gym and did the core/strength training I was suppose to do on Friday but didn't get back to the gym after cycling class to do it. Here's my problem doing weight training/core work on my own (for those of you that know I work with trainer-man): I know what to do, I have a personal training and running coach certifications for heaven's sake. But when I'm left to my own devices, I quickly revert to the "What the hell do I do" stage. Even if I HAVE a plan from t-man, I don't put the effort in it as I should and I don't know half the names. Oh well. I got in 4 sets of 20 ab crunches on the captain's chair - those rocked!! I did a few other core things, too, followed by 4 easy miles on the treadmill. This was day 3 at the rec center. Day 1, I did 12 miles on the treadmill....cuz yeah, there was 2' of snow (in case I forgot to mention it) covering all the streets and sidewalks and well, I didn't really have a choice in that! The treadmill run wasn't too bad, actually; I like to make a game out of it (1 mile faster, 1 slower, 1 uphill, 3 downhill) and I was trying to incorporate some downhills into my run since Tucson is all downhill. So 3 days at the gym for Jill has to be a new record. Three days in row to boot!
Sunday (that'd be today) was long run: 19.13 miles. One of the guys from the Prostate running group is headed to Tucson also and he and I were talking a mt. run of 19 downhill miles. Well, in case I forgot to mention it, we had 2' of snow in Denver - which equates to about 4' in the mountains, so the mountain downhill run we had planned wasn't going to happen without snowshoes or CC skis. Both of which I own, but neither of which I was willing to do due to the proximity of Tucson and much needed running miles. But I also wanted to try to get in as much 'downhill' running as I could...which is not easy in this town. For every down, there's an up. My favorite long run tail is the Cherry C
reek trail; I like it for it's diversity of environments you encounter and because I know where there are gas stations along the way to refill my water bottle. But this trail, from where I live to downtown Denver, is a gradual downhill. Thus, a gradual uphill at the turn-around back. I didn't want to run uphill on the way back; I wanted to run downhill on the way back so that I could run downhill tired, as I will be in Tucson. Sooooooo...I did the opposite today. I drove downtown, parked my car by the Aquarium, and ran uphill to where I normally start (okay, not quite), turned around and ran down. I must say...this way is MUCH easier - nothing like a little downhill momentum vs an uphill climb when your legs are tired!! I won't do this often because it takes a lot more time to drive 23 minutes each way and park to run, but I think it was the right choice for today. Long run was okay. Wasn't feeling great, but not bad either. You know that "in between" state were you just are and nothing more. A lot of personal issues going on right now, which I'm sure is affecting my running some....but never-the-less, I got the 19 in and am feeling fine right know. And let me just say that the 2' of snow we had earlier and now 64 degrees is causing a lot of melting and wow, the creek I ran alongside is FLOW-N! Pic from my cell phone.
Okay so there ya go, that's a wrap for the week. Rob just sent me my schedule for this week....I need to tweek it so I'm running more than 3 times a week. I mean, really!!! I haven't run just three days a week since like 3 years ago. Not sure what's up with that. And this timed mile I am insistent upon doing, which was suppose to be done the past two weeks, though hasn't, isn't on plan either. Err. I think it's time to go to bed!!
Hum, I managed to crank a novel after all :).
Hope everyone has happy miles this week!!
I've decided that instead of giving myself an extra hour with daylight savings today, I'm going to bank it for later to reduce my Tucson marathon time for much faster result :). That's the way for a faster marathon!!
Back to work tomorrow - I've been off all week. It's been great! We did a lot of things such as our trip to New Mexico for a few days and the boys had a blast Trick-or-Treating with all their friends last night. I have definitely hit a new phase of life with them! Oh, can't forget the 2' of snow we got which turned old quickly! The boys had a great time playing outdoors, but I'm telling ya...what a royal pain in the butt snow clothes are. Off, in dryer, on, repeat x8! Plus, that much snow is too much snow! Abbey did come home for a night, though, so that's alway's special. I didn't get as much done around the house as I intended (do I ever???) but managed to sort through piles of mail that was sitting there which I had hoped to look at more closely (i.e. junk mail); decided to just toss it all out. That's one way to take care of it!
So where did I leave off last with the training and where to pick up....
Friday, I went to cycling class. I love cycling class. Well, let me rephrase that: I love 8:30 a.m. cycling class with my instructor friend, Jill, at the Rec Center. I don't get to go often because, well, I work that time slot! When I'm off from school, though, I try to incorporate that class into my training. I had this past Friday off work and I planned to go to her class, but waited on Brendan to get his act together (he wanted to go) and well, he had some stomach issues so we missed that class ... more stomach issues later, and he doesn't want to go to 24-hour's cycling class at 9:00. So I went by myself. That's okay...but I wish he would have gone, he needs the exercise. Anyway, that class is hard, they all are, but not quite as fun as Jill's. I sweat like crazy whenever I go; always a good sign of a good workout. I was happy I didn't have biker's butt over the weekend, which I tend to get when I haven't cycled for awhile, so yea for that. I did, though, have some more Tensor Fascia muscle soreness the remainder of the day Friday but I iced it a lot it's happy now.
Saturday, I went to the gym and did the core/strength training I was suppose to do on Friday but didn't get back to the gym after cycling class to do it. Here's my problem doing weight training/core work on my own (for those of you that know I work with trainer-man): I know what to do, I have a personal training and running coach certifications for heaven's sake. But when I'm left to my own devices, I quickly revert to the "What the hell do I do" stage. Even if I HAVE a plan from t-man, I don't put the effort in it as I should and I don't know half the names. Oh well. I got in 4 sets of 20 ab crunches on the captain's chair - those rocked!! I did a few other core things, too, followed by 4 easy miles on the treadmill. This was day 3 at the rec center. Day 1, I did 12 miles on the treadmill....cuz yeah, there was 2' of snow (in case I forgot to mention it) covering all the streets and sidewalks and well, I didn't really have a choice in that! The treadmill run wasn't too bad, actually; I like to make a game out of it (1 mile faster, 1 slower, 1 uphill, 3 downhill) and I was trying to incorporate some downhills into my run since Tucson is all downhill. So 3 days at the gym for Jill has to be a new record. Three days in row to boot!
Sunday (that'd be today) was long run: 19.13 miles. One of the guys from the Prostate running group is headed to Tucson also and he and I were talking a mt. run of 19 downhill miles. Well, in case I forgot to mention it, we had 2' of snow in Denver - which equates to about 4' in the mountains, so the mountain downhill run we had planned wasn't going to happen without snowshoes or CC skis. Both of which I own, but neither of which I was willing to do due to the proximity of Tucson and much needed running miles. But I also wanted to try to get in as much 'downhill' running as I could...which is not easy in this town. For every down, there's an up. My favorite long run tail is the Cherry C

Okay so there ya go, that's a wrap for the week. Rob just sent me my schedule for this week....I need to tweek it so I'm running more than 3 times a week. I mean, really!!! I haven't run just three days a week since like 3 years ago. Not sure what's up with that. And this timed mile I am insistent upon doing, which was suppose to be done the past two weeks, though hasn't, isn't on plan either. Err. I think it's time to go to bed!!
Hum, I managed to crank a novel after all :).
Hope everyone has happy miles this week!!
Week 44
Week 44:
Week's running totals: 47.63
2009 running totals:1563.07
Weight/core training: 2
Cross training: 1 cycling class
Week's running totals: 47.63
2009 running totals:1563.07
Weight/core training: 2
Cross training: 1 cycling class
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