Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I'm Home

It's been a whirlwind past two weeks and I enjoyed my time immensely...but I'm glad to be home. Now starts the rat-race of getting back to school stuff ready and uh yeah, going back to work. ugh.

I am tired today. I woke up about 4am and laid there for eternity....or until it was time to go workout, which was at 6:30. I hate this not sleeping thing. Comes and goes. Weight training went fine, but my body fat and my weight is slightly up. I don't get it cuz I ran a boat load of miles and I worked out more than I usually do. I ate well ... until about Friday, then I sort of gave up trying. So anyway, back to reality and to get back on track!!

Microwave dead upon my return so spend a good chunk of today getting a new one. The antique we have needed to be replaced, it was an eyesore but it worked it's magic for the past 26 years, which is how old my house is. I took some really fast measurements; I hope this new contraption fits into the wall of the old one. I'm kinda excited for it. Came home from microwave shopping and took a very brief nap. Suppose to run about 5 miles tonight but I only did a couple...I'm just so tired. I'll try to make up a few miles tomorrow.

While we were in Chicago yesterday, we went to the Sear's Tower and the boys loved standing on that new glass ledge that is totally glass: top, bottom, and sides. I wouldn't go on it. I got close and I looked out and through the bottom but I would not stand on the thing. Toooo scary! Picture above is of them on the glass ledge, viewed through one of the windows.
Gonna hit my pillow early and try to get more sleep. I found out today that you CAN order Marriott pillows; they are heaven, I'm going to have to get one!
3.15 miles run

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Cool Pic!
Welcome Back.

Let's go for a run!