I was stressed beyond belief!
I was not sleeping well; had deadlines to finish where the words weren't flowing right; feeling dizzy; no appetite; home life icky; work the same; website frustrating ... you know, life! I saw this ugly self a week before St. George and before I could identify the same problem here, I was in a complete meltdown.
I'm feeling somewhat better. I got up today and made the kids' lunches, as always, but I did not have to work today as finals were over (I am also off on Monday and Tuesday - yes!), ate some oatmeal, went to workout, and then crawled back to bed for awhile. Had a horrible time sleeping but eventually I did. I got up and felt really weak so I made a peanut butter sandwich. That's the modification stated in my title. I had to get some carbs in, I can't continue on this only protien stuff. My body was becoming foreign and I didn't know what to do. I wasn't getting any feedback from Rob on my dizziness and this was concerning me. He yanked me off this plan all together but I have no plan in place now so I'll modify the cut week plan somewhat to get a few carbs in there so I'll have some energy. I still want my double workouts, though, at least a few days a week and I will keep the protein high...but I need to function, I need a little more zip.

I added my daily schedule to my blog at the bottom - be sure to check it out if you want to see what I'm doing for the week in advance.
Brendan's boxing at the US Air Force Academy tomorrow and getting to watch the cadets train; he is thrilled! I am thrilled. Rob told me I could run at the overlook there...but I will probably just watch instead; I want to see Brendan box and I am afraid to run by myself somewhere foreign. I will take some pictures and post tomorrow.
3 miles treadmill sprints
Various arm weights
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