Man....I don't think I moved the entire night while sleeping last night; usually I'm up about 500 times and many days, I start my day at 3 a.m. Progress? I hope so. Probably more like a fluke. Do you ever get overly-exhausted to the point where you just can't sleep? I think there's an official diagnosis for this...I'll have to ask the school nurse tomorrow, but anyway I have this issue a lot. Not last night. I woke up at 5:10 and laid there in the peace and quiet for about 5 minutes, thinking about my day ahead, enjoying the stillness before the onslaught of crazies hit. I ran a strong 5 miles at an 8:20 pace....but I am finding that there is NOTHING good on tv at 5:15 in the morning and this morning treadmill stuff is killing me solely for the sheer boredom! Today I watched Denise Austin's 'Get Fit' or something of the sorts. Sad. I felt like I had to jump off the treadmill and find my aerobic step. 
This is me when I'm typically writing. Like now. Lying in bed with my laptop on my legs....couldn't be anything more comfy!
Met Marie and Renee today .... they are doing awesome! I am very proud of them.
Met Rob for more weight training and treadmill speedwork. I had a very rough time with my arms today...they are very tired ....and obviously very weak. I will trust his judgement and continue w/o complaint. And remember Rob, a comment isn't a complaint, it's just and fyi; something for your internal database to store so when making up future plans, you'll smile when you make me do them again.
7 miles run (5 in a.m.; 2 treadmill sprints)
Weights: 1- arms .. ugh.
OK...a picture is worth a thousand....dollars of physical therapy! Now I know the real reason your neck and back hurt when you train. Two words for ya- ergonomic computer desk! ( I know. It's actually three. And now I know you were really paying attention.) Otherwise, great pic of you. I've always imagined you smiling ear-to-ear while writing...
Many nights I plant my ass on the couch, so tired that my eyes are closing. I don't have the energy to go to bed. So I actually stay up longer because I'm so tired. Go figure.
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