As I stated I would in my last post, I went to see Charlie, the massage therapist, over my annoying glute pain today. It wasn't getting better - some days it felt good running, others not. Some days it felt good after running, others not. Who knew when it was going to crop up and doing weight training was excruciating and I had to make the call.
I love Charlie; he's like a long lost friend that you can just see after some time not and just feel so comfortable around. We talked a little first about things that has developed since I saw him last October (though I have run into him at the studio from time to time...but that's not the same); We have a connection and that's not easy for me to say because I generally don't connect well with people that aren't really close to me. He just has this way to speaking to me in a very caring way; he's genuinely concerned and listens with his whole heart. He tells me straight-forward what he thinks and what I should do but does so in a manner which I can just tell, it pure. I'm not just "another client." I miss him ... and he said he really missed me and they weren't just words...he meant it.
Anyway...the emotional mumbo-jumbo aside, he dug deep into my glute - I told him to dig it all out and I didn't care how much I cried. He dug and I was brave, I didn't cry but man it hurt. We talked a little about some stretches and exercises to do and to make sure I stretch (ahem) at least 5 minutes before I workout or run. Told me to give it a week and see how it is and call him if I need more digging. He was concerned over my financial situation and instead of telling me I needed more and more, he told me to see how it went. I hope it is the magic cure!! Before I got to bed, I'm going to stetch the darn thing for a solid 10 minutes. I wonder if there's a way to stretch my glute and ice my knee simutaneously?
Charlie also massage my entire left leg and I'm telling you honestly, I can feel a world of difference between the two legs; I should have let him massage my other leg, too :).
Did some leg weight training this morning and I felt zero energy. Everything was difficult and I think I had to drop down in most, if not all, of my weight. Not sure why. My knee was killing me doing 3-way lunges and my glute was killing me doing leg kickbacks and leg extensions. UGH. I just had nothing to give today. Ran about a mile after my weight training at a 8:30 pace and that was it for the running today. Felt kinda odd not to run today but I was also relieved; I needed a break.
Boys and I hiking Mt. Evans tomorrow. Guess I can't get enough of that darn mountain, huh???!!!?? I wish I weren't hiking/climbing it but I promised them I'd try to get them up it sometime this summer and well, summer is running out for me since I'll soon be gone for almost two weeks. We aren't hiking the road...oh no, we're going up sheer rock faces. Brendan said it's a difficult, thought short, climb. I'm all for the short part. 7ish mile run before we leave so better close and get my hiking gear backed and my glute stretched and off to bed!!!
weight training: 1
1 mile run
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