Monday, August 31, 2009
Somewhat Pickled

Week 34
Weeks running total: 32.5
2009 running total: 1290.07
Weight training this week: 1
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Rounding Out the Week...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Portland prep timed mile 2
It's so dark at 5:30am anymore; I hate that fall is quickly arriving.
I ran a mile warm up before Rob got there and in that warm up, I did a about 4 200's so that I could get a sense of where I wanted my pace to be. I was hitting them about 50 seconds and I knew I had to run a bit harder; 50 seconds for a 200 was 1:40 for a 400 and that was too slow.
I didn't even stretch, I just talked with Rob a bit and then hit the track. I get so nervous for these things, but I really think the nerves are what gets my blood pumping and the adrenaline flooding and therefore run a bit faster than we can. I hit the first quarter at 1:35 and this was the ONLY time I looked at my watch; I didn't want to do the mental math and only wanted to run on a perceived effort. I wanted to "feel" my pace and it never even bothered me that I didn't look. The 2nd lap 3:14, 3rd 4:53 and the final time: 6:32.
No one more surprised than me!! I honestly thought I'd end up around the 6:36-8 range. I did not look up any of the statics from my last mile; I did not want to know. But somewhere I thought I ran a 6:35 last time, even emailing Dennis and boosting on FB that I had lowered my time by 3 seconds. It wasn't even until around 5:00 this evening that I went to look up my old time. Eternal thanks to Rob for being there!
Nope, last time: 6:31.
Bummed? At first ... mostly because I was wearing a PR Portland prep mile high all today, which seemed to elevate my mood. But for all the issues I had during the past week, I'm going to try to look at it as a triumph simply that I got there and ran it and didn't give up. That is an accomplishment and well worth a second slower, considering all circumstances (this week has HAD to be one of the worst weeks I think I've ever encountered in a very long time). I ran it smarter this time, not going out too fast like last time, and I felt consistent throughout. Pretty happy with it now.
2 miles run
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Work is cutting into my time...
I'm thinking my antibiotic is worthless and not performing it's intended duty: to cure my sinus infection. I have had the worst headache for the past several day and the pressure on my sinuses are worse than ever. I think a trip back to the dr. by Friday is in order if this mess isn't cl earned up by then. I'm sure this head mess is only exacerbating the hole I seem to be sinking further in. Man, I feel horrible!!
So just a side note: my next race is NOT Portland but the Colorado Outward Bound Relay, which is Sept 11-12 and is 174 miles (well that may actually change because Guanella Pass, part of the first legs, is closed do to potential rock slides). I yearned to be on this relay for a couple years and last year came close to taking someone on the forum's offer of another teammate. But I knew Rob would blow a gasket being it was so close to St. George. Well, this year I'm in and I'm in no better of a position to be doing it this year than I was last, because of Portland Marathon on October 4th. So I'm a little whacked over this, too. Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to be on a team, and it's part of the prostates running group (with about 6 or so people that Jeff found so we could form the group, since many in my group (#2) bailed or moved to group #1 (the elite over 40 male group) ) so I know a few of the guys (Matt, Craig M....maybe another) so that's a plus. I'm just a little worried the lack of sleep and how dead tired I'm going to be upon return and how I'm going to fit in my sleep and long run for Portland. Things that keep me awake at night. Tomorrow's goal for relay team: I'm going to book a hotel or condo. That's been my job for the past well, several weeks, and I haven't done it yet. Cuz there's been a little lack of communication on what and where I needed to get one. But I will. Anyway, just wanted to share what was next on my agenda. And adding to my stress.
I went to workout this morning, which turned into a disaster, which I won't indulge in cuz it's not worth it. I went to work with about 10 unsuccessful Tylenol's and came home and took a nap. This nap thing has to stop but like my job, it's taking up too much valuable time. But it felt good; I slept hard. I went to the gym tonight and ran the treadmill and practically suffocated it was so hot in there. I needed a good sweaty run, though, to sweat out the tension. But that's when I decided I needed a new antibiotic because that's when I most noticed how this thing is not getting better. I ran a mile warm up, 2 miles at 8:40, 1 mile at 8:08 and one at 8:00. Then 1/2 mile cooldown. I followed that with some weights and ab work and called it a night at the gym.
I then proceeded to the grocery store where I bought more strawberries (did I mention the strawberries yesterday? I'll write about them later if not) and ... cottage cheese *gasp*. I hate that crap but in my disastrous morning talk with Rob, it was reiterated that this is the perfect food for me...so I'm trying to make him happy. I thought I could down the stuff without actually chewing it but found out you can't. So I plugged my nose to abate the taste and I ate 3 tablespoons. I think that's pretty remarkable for me...who hates most foods with weird textures. Anyone have any ideas to make this stuff taste any better w/o adding calories? Cinnamon, perhaps? I'll attempt more tomorrow.
5.5 miles run
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day 2 of work: I left early!
I got a great nap in this afternoon, though. We had this huge thunderstorms roll through Denver and dump a load of water on my quickly drying up yard (yea) and some hail (boo); anyway, it brought in some cool temps that just made it perfect for an afternoon nap. I needed it.
By the time I got up and got some writing done, I was so ready to hit my treadmill to test the ole legs. Happy to report: they work!! Not as fast as I want them to work but relieved there was no muscle soreness or aching. Okay, a little tight in the hamstrings, which is par for the course; I should have stretched them but I didn't have time. I ran 4x1 miles at a pretty modest pace of 7:35. It wasn't easy and normally this might sent my mind on a rampage but it's already pretty maxed out on the tangles right now so no more can really squish in there. My head's pretty full right now, no more room for any more issues. Oh, except this: the newest thing thrown at me today from Rob is that my nutrition is all off. I don't have the right fuel to support my running. Well, I've turned in a log of my daily intake (and I am about 99.1% honest. I promise) and he's never made a comment on it in the past; yet now it's also causing some of my running problems. Hum. Yeah Meg, you're right. It's just hard ......
Okay so my goal is to be in bed before 11:00 and it's 10 minutes 'til so off I get. I will say though that the run today helped heal a bit; there is nothing as therapeutic for me as a good, hard run!!! I can't wait to run tomorrow!
5 miles run
Week 33 Totals
Weeks running total: 36.5
2009 running total: 1257.57
Weight training this week: 1
Park City Marathon: 4:13:52 (training run)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Park City Marathon *training*
Jonathan, Me, Nicole
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sinus Infection #5982
I suspected something was up yesterday when I developed a headache that never wanted to leave, despite being on the borderline of overdosing on Tylenol. Suspicion was confirmed when I slept horribly last night, woke up at 4am with a killer headache and pressure on my sinuses like you wouldn't believe and then came home from work and crashed. Majorly. Quick trip up to Urgent Care, which honestly is such a luxury. I don't have to make an appointment, just walk in and 10 minutes later I'm out with a prescription for an antibiotic and nasal steroid. Sweet!
I forfeited my run today. That'd be failed #2 run for the week...but I'm not sure you count a run as a failure if you fail to even attempt it. I decided it was better with my sinus mess to just not run; I really do not feel that great and well, I have 26 miles to run in two days. I only had 4 miles on my plan. I didn't let Rob know. I've emailed him about 50 emails in the past 3 days and the last couple, when I got down to some more serious stuff, have not heard back so opted not to bother him more. If I wake up early tomorrow, I'll run a few miles but if I don't (that's be a miracle!) then I'm not going to worry about it.
I was so swamped at work today with late registration that I didn't have time to wallow further in self-pity over the article and now I'm not sure if my lifeless body is due to article or sinuses but I feel better about the mile and think once this mess is cleared in my head, I'm going to run that mile a lot better next week. I will!
Okay, packing awaits and I'd really love to get to be bed when most normal people do so going to cut this short tonight and sign off. Next blog from the state of Utah....
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A Successfully Failed Mile

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The day before back to work
I got a late start for my run today but it was really nice and cool today so that worked out well. I ordered a Garmin charger but it had not come in yet so I have really no idea what I ran my tempo run in today because my Garmin is dead. But I DO know 1) it was longer than the 4 on my schedule and 2) it was faster than race pace. Not sure what pace but it was much quick. Storms started rolling in as I was finishing, lightening storms; glad I was done when I was. my legs are feeling better and better with each passing hour. By tomorrow they should be back to 100%.
A wee-bit bummed (okay, more than that) about some stuff I did for Dimity on running was not in the magazine, which came out today. I encourage those wanting to get a start on a running program for weight loss read it though (even if I'm not mentioned. Sigh). Sept issue of Women's Health.
Meeting Rob in the morning, dark morning since that's what it is now at 5:30am, for another timed mile. Hope I there's improvement over last timed mile...we'll see where my mindset is. I think I may be a tad physically improved but not sure about the rest.
5.5 miles run
Monday, August 17, 2009
Major PP Muscle Soreness

So a slower mileage week this week, which I think my body and my mentality, is ready for. I have a marathon to do on Saturday. Not for a time ....it's strictly for training. Meeting some people I work with there for the race and decided I'd just do it, since I'm there, and practice maintaining a pace, hydration, nutrition, etc. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out. This will be the 3rd race in as many weekends... but oh yeah, not viewing Park City as a "race" now are we!!
Week 32 Totals
Weeks running total: 52
2009 running total: 1221.07
Weight training this week: 2
Pikes Peak Ascent 4:36 (there's gotta be about 13 virtual miles in this weeks' total...)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I bid Pikes Peak Good Riddance. I Hope.

Friday, August 14, 2009
Prepping for Pikes Peak
The only problem: I'm wearing them right now and I'm really way too warm! ugh.
- Car Key
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A Butterfly's Pace

I feel summer slipping away... I'm going to miss it. Yesterday when I went to workout at 5:30am, it was dark my entire drive. Two weeks ago it was light by the time I reached the gym. Not yesterday *sigh*.
I guess if there's anything that is remotely positive about summer ending it's that autumn brings cooler temps and cooler temps mean better running. Hopefully. I can't even tell you how many articles I read on RW blog about how no one can run in this heat. We run, but we suffer. Us runners are all about suffering....but come August, we're pretty tired of constantly soaked running attire. But I'd rather wear sweat-soaked-stuck-to-my-skin shorts and sleeveless shirts than no-skin-showing long pants and jackets. And not because I'm a big into showing the world my skin, it's just that I hate being constricted with so much material when I'm running. Yuck.
Well, no time to dwell on the inevitable.
My legs are so stiff from Tuesday's long run. I got a pretty late start to my tempo run (I met a client at 6am for some intervals, came home and started cleaning, until it was way too warm to be outside running. Why was I cleaning my house in prime running temps when I could easily have done it any other time today? Procrastination is not a good quality to possess). I ate too much food and had a stomachache during my run. I didn't have a great tempo run. Which seems to be pretty much the standard. All summer. I started out okay for about 3 miles (8:20 pace. Goal wasn't fast, goal was race-pace) then that was it. That's all the life I had in me. I ran 5x800's with Ann this morning but they weren't all out and felt they were actually a good workout so I don't think it was a matter of running too much prior. I think it was just a combo of the issues listed above.
I met Rob the other night for a little one-on-one whine-fest. I'm whining about running. Go figure. Pikes Peak this Saturday: I don't want to do it. Colorado Relay on the 11-12th of Sept: I don't want to do it. Portland: I fear it. I fear I can't run it the way I want to. Ok, so I have two major upcoming races I don't want to do and one gigantic race I am second-guessing why I signed up. I think I just need to get Pikes Peak done and Park City the following weekend (*just for training!!!!!!*) and then I think my mentality is going to change towards Portland. Let's hope.
A guy emailed me today who found me via my pink blog. He has written some articles on Piriformis Syndrome (you know, that major pain in the butt - literally - that has been dogging me for 3 months. Just in the past week has it started feeling a lot better. Thank you!!!). I told him I'd link his site to my blog, and will do that here eventually, but for now you can click on the link above to read more. I am happy to see that the core work I've doing is the "if you can only do one exercise, this would be it" to help fix the problem and not only stretching. Score one for me! For once.
I have nothing even remotely prepared for Pikes Peak on Saturday. I need to get my act together tomorrow morning and get it together. I have book club in the afternoon (no, I did not read the book. I'm not even sure what the name is. No one even bothers telling me anymore. Ha) and I probably would bail on book club to get ready for PP but I am in charge of the food this month. I still need to think about what food.
Here's a couple pictures of my friend, Lisa's, visit. She went to college with me but several years ago bought a big sailboat and left her Seattle life and sailed around a lot of the world, and landed permanently in Australia. She was back in Iowa for the past several weeks and came to visit me on her way back to Aussie-land. We had a great time, as always, and managed to meet up with a fellow past co-worker from Colorado Springs many life-times ago (picture #2). I always miss her when she leaves and feel her absence the past couple days. Safe travels, Lisa!
10 miles
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
a Tuesday 23

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Week 31
Weeks running total: 25.65
2009 running total: 1161.07
Weight training this week: 2
Georgetown Half Marathon: 1:44:52
3 E + Stretch-n
But there's such a peaceful calmness at that hour on a Sunday morning, I actually enjoyed sitting by the window and doing some writing.
As expected, my quads are sore today. Not terribly, I can walk fine but they are certainly sore. After the sun came up and I did a couple loads of laundry, I ran over to the track for an easy 3 mile shake-out run. Afterwards, I sat on the infield, having the entire place to myself for most of the time (a guy came about the time I was leaving), and I stretched my achy legs for about 20 minutes, doing some ab rockers and push ups in between stretches. It felt great!! I wish I had the time to do 20 minutes of stretching everyday! Or rather, I wish I would make the time to stretch for 20 minutes everyday!
I popped my blood blister and a gallon of blood spewed out. FUN!
With my new "I'm not going to let little things bother me" attitude, I'm slightly unhappy with the fact that I was scheduled to work out with Rob tomorrow morning but due to his double booking and failing to inform me that my 5:30 time slot was contingent on moving another client around, I am not going to be able to work out with him tomorrow because the other chick won't move her time. I asked him last week to let me know when I could work out this week because I had a slew of thing I needed to schedule for the week, one which included having my friend schedule her train ticket to my availability to come get her. I did my arranging around the time he gave me and wham...now he can't do that time with me. ??? I don't mind working out by myself, but I had really wanted to talk to him about the Georgetown race and my concerns and whatnot and that's why I'm kinda "bothered" right now - despite my new things-aren't-going-to-bother-me attitude. :). Seems like the things I hire him to do sometimes fall to the wayside and somehow, it ends up my fault.
Okay, that's all I'm going to say about it cuz it's only making me more upset. I just find it kinda unprofessional and sad and I had to mention it. I just really wanted to talk to him about the race while it was still at the forefront of my thoughts and not lost with the week's activities!!
A friend I met on RW blog sites told me, amongst other things, "maybe the body just wasn't into it, making it feel like you were pushing harder than you really were." I guess I never thought of that before...maybe all the obstacles I endured in this race, though all pretty minor (bladder, no watch, torn up road, sea level vacation....etc.) all came together and just made me feel like my very hard effort was just hard that day and that all will be okay at the marathon. I don't know...but it did make my mind feel a little better.
Elaine is home from her Utah vacation, I just got an email from her. I've missed her. Welcome home, Elaine! What I am going to do after StG without you?
Okay, going to get up and workout at 5:30 on my own I guess so better close and get to bed! Picking up my Australia friend (formerly Iowa friend, Lisa, at the train at 7:15 am tomorrow for a couple days of girl-fest fun! Can't wait!
Oh, btw, found my regular Nike running watch; it was in a bag with my hair accessories that I apparently had not unpacked yet. I just ordered another watch this morning :/. Oh well, can never have too many running watches...and this just a cheap thing. I do need to get my Garmin accessories from Rob so I can return that watch, if needed. Dennis said the charge was holding so maybe it just got bumped or something before the race and thus was dead. I don't have a clue....
3 miles run
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A Watchless Georgetown Half
First, let me just say that my super cool, pink, leopard print Nike socks I bought in Boston gave me a blood blister. Will not wear these puppies again for a race. Dennis made the comment after the race how he had no blisters today. He gave them to me; I have never had a blister in my life running - other than when I ran Pikes Peak when it was raining and my feet were soaked. Anyway, socks are officially banned from further races. They can, however, be worn just for training.
It wasn't until Sunday that I decided to do the Georgetown half marathon - I was in limbo about doing it because of a slew up upcoming other races I have, including Pikes Peak Ascent next weekend (8000' up in 13 miles. *gulp*). Talked with Rob about it and he thought it would be a good idea to run it in prep for Portland. Ok, I'm game.
Though my thermometer read 70 degrees in Denver, it had to be about 40 at the start of the race in Georgetown this morning. I MUST remember this next year and wear a fleece coat and GLOVES! I was so cold I and couldn't stop shivering. The worst, of course, is when you shread what little layers I actually did bring and go to line up. That's a side note so that when I read this blog a year from now, if I do this race again, I want to remember how cold it was so that I remember to dress more warmly for the weather.
I have a watch issue: I cannot find my regular Nike running watch (sans pacer option). I know I had it when I got home from vacation but it is nowhere to be found. On top of that, I cannot find the charger to my Garmin watch. That, I thought I packed for my trip but when I got to Iowa, it was not in my suitcase and when my second suitcase arrived in Iowa later, it was not in that one either. I figured I forgot it at home - though I could swear I packed it. Got home and no, it was not in it's usual charging spot. I am now left with only my heart rate monitor watch, which is fine, but I don't care for the display; it's a bit hard to read. This poses a slight problem when running - and running a race where I am notorious for going out too fast and thus need to stay on a conservative pace.
So Dennis took my Garmin last night and charged it overnight so that I could use it today, since my preference of watches for racing, the Nike, is MIA. I figured this watch was better than my hr watch because in the sunlight, it is very difficult to read the display of my hr watch. In a half frozen state, I put on my Garmin and instantly, it reads it has 2% life left. In other words, it's almost dead. 5 minutes later, after bathroom break, it was dead. Dennis said it was 100% charged last night so apparently, there is something wrong with it. It's battery is either not holding it's life or it somehow accidentally was running all morning. We don't think it was the later and so Dennis took it to charge it and see if it is the battery. If so, then I need to return it because the batteries for these things are like ridiculous and it should be covered by the warranty. Anyway, this whole no-life-in-the-battery left me watchless. For a race. I started to slightly panic.
Dennis was trying to get me to use his Garmin but no way, I know that pacing thing is very important to him. I moved to plan B which was my iPod - it has a stopwatch. I've never used it so I played around with is a few minutes and found out it actually does laps! Okay, I think for a very brief moment that this may work. But really, I knew it was going to be such a hassle unclipping it off my shorts and finding the display and hitting 'lap.' But I have no other choice.
By the time the gun went off, I had already messed it up. I played with it a few seconds and got it working.
Mile 1 told me I was doing a 10:19 and I had to practically bring the entire iPod up to my eyeball to see it. I HAD to be going faster than a 10:19 - I felt faster than a 10:19.
I had to pee. Badly.
I missed the mile 2 marker and passed a slew of portapotties. I should have stopped here and went but they are so far off the road and I just didn't want to kill that much time after just running a 10:19 (later, it was a consensus that the first mile had to be off, everyone commented about that). Mile 3 I pulled the whole iPod off my body and hit 'lap' but I can't read it, the glare is horrible and the screen is itty-bitty. I am running clueless. This is a very odd feeling!! Very!
My legs felt heavy. I'm thinking that this is because I was at sea level for almost 2 weeks but who knows for sure. I asked Rob but he never got back to me on that. I also just didn't feel "good." Not bad, but not good. I felt I had a pretty quick pace going and most likely, was going too fast. When I got to mile 4, I hit the pace button again and it said something in the 8 minute range. Another mile or two later, it told me about 7:15 range. I was either all over the map or my iPod was not the most reliable stopwatch - I think it was the later.
I actually start feeling a little better yet feel that my clip is pretty strong. I wonder if I can sustain it. I now start looking around for someone, anyone, that has a Garmin and I can verify what pace I'm running. It was about mile 8 before I found someone and 3 times total, I asked found someone with a Garmin and asked what pace we were running. I needed to know if my pace was too fast, as I was suspecting it was. Each time I asked, I was about a 7:35 - 7:40 pace. Eeeek. This IS too fast. But I was feeling pretty good. And I thought if I could keep up this pace, I was going to go well beyond a sub 1:44.
Runner's Edge of the Rockies, a local Denver running group, had a slew of runners all around me - evident by their red technical sleeveless shirts that read on the back: "To Give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift." Okay, I get it already. I followed these red shirts to the end and I gave it my best.
I can say with 100% certainty that I gave that race my 100% effort. I do not think I slowed considerably at the end. I was tired, I couldn't have run another mile at that pace, but I did not slow down. I felt in my heart I ran a PR today; I have never felt I pushed a race that hard. Ever.
The clock read a gun time of about 1:45:10. I was a little shocked. Stunned. Perplexed.
It didn't occur to me to ask anyone around me what their time was when I crossed the finish line and plus, I still had not gone to the bathroom and wow, I had to go bad!! I popped in the portapotty and afterwards, asked a few people that were coming in what their times were. I was slightly encouraged because I saw a girl that I swear I had passed in the last mile and she said she ran a 1:43:50. In my mind, I'm now thinking the clock was off and I ran a 1:43:30 or something. I FELT I ran a 1:43:30. I really felt I put so much into this race and felt it had to be quick - especially since those check times along the course were verifying I was running faster than ever in a half marathon.
The whole mystery of the unknown finish time is a very odd feeling. Made me a little anxious, really.
But it wasn't meant to be and officially, I ended up with a 1:44:50. And 4th in my age group, missing the mining pan award (we're in gold mining country here) by one place. Third place turned out to be almost a full minute ahead - which somehow makes me feel better that I didn't miss it by a mere few seconds. This is also the fastest time I have ever recorded on this course.
Still, I can't be a bit in question mark mode right now. I'm pleased with my time, it's very respectable. I'm stoked with my 4th place placement in what is a very large field of highly competitive runners. I'm elated with my effort and that, pace time unknown, managed to maintain a constant push through the end. I'm thrilled my glute did not bother me while running.
What's bothering me, I guess, is the fact that my time of 1:44:50 is no better than my Atlanta time back in March. I'm suppose to be getting better. I'm suppose to be improving. I've been working hard. I gave this race every single drop of energy I had. Yet my half marathon time has not improved.
I'm not sure if it IS because I have not improved. Maybe it's because I spent almost two weeks at sea level and have just recently returned and not acclimated fully to the altitude. Maybe it's because this race WAS at altitude and Atlanta was run at sea level (Josh, the art teacher at school, would disagree with this: he claims his altitude training study/research friend says there is no perks in training high and racing low. Sleeping high and racing low, yes, but not training high and racing low. Hum...). Maybe the heavy leg syndrome I has at the start was lactic acid build up from being at lower altitude for so long. Maybe it was the 64 miles I ran last week. Maybe that stretch of the course where the road was dug up and you had to be extra careful of protruding rocks, caused a slower time (Dennis has an acquaintance, BSG, that will swear he could have knocked off an additional minute if not for that stretched that slowed him down. He is a little more then obsessed with this running thing, he would know more than anyone if his pace is slowed due to this road mess). Maybe it's because I'm feeling the onset of a cold (??) Maybe. I'm not sure. The numbers, when plugged into various prediction calculators, tell me today's time will give me anywhere between 3 :38 - 3:43 in Portland. I know one really needs to use these predictions with a grain of salt, but there is some validity in the fact that given a certain time, that's what your legs can do. And do no more. I want to run a 3:35 - 3:40 in Portland!
I have a few more weeks of very hard training and I'm going to work like crazy. I vow to get my weight and body fat to where I want them (down 5 lbs weight, 3% bf) before I get to Portland - I know it will make a couple minutes difference, and I'm going to pray that the Running Gods give me cool temperatures in Portland to land me a few more minutes. But I also want to start preparing myself mentally for the possibility that this may not happen. I think of all the ambitious goals I've set, even Boston qualifying, this is one that is the closest to being on the border of making it or not. Let's hope for making it!! :)
I have to say a huge congrats to Ann, my client and friend, whom ran a course PR today. She will be running Top Of Utah Marathon here in 6 weeks. I am very excited for her.
Dennis ran today with a little hip pain but not like it had been so I am encouraged by that - though I know he's probably not overly happy right now. Good job, Dennis!
I came home from the race and took an ice bath; my quads are tight and I know they are going to be hurting some tomorrow. The ice felt great. My legs are going to be sore, nonetheless.
13.1 miles
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I forgot to blog??!!??
So yesterday I ran some hills. There's a big ole hill about 2 1/2 miles from me that is pretty demoralizing - it goes straight up. And it's long. I actually like running it - it's an incredible workout. I ran the monster hill twice. But twice was enough and I was tired at the bottom of the second time down so headed home. 6 1/2 miles total.
This morning, I felt yesterday's run and my legs didn't want to cooperate. I was suppose to run 10 minutes easy, 20 at race pace, 15 easy. I don't have a watch, I've not only happened to misplace my Garmin charger and thus my Garmin is defunct, I cannot find my favorite Nike watch. I'm left with no other timing device other than my heart rate monitor watch. Though pink, it's not my favorite watch - I don't like the display screen. But I had to wear it; I had no other option. Anyway, it didn't matter what I wore on my wrist, could have been a faceless rubber band - I didn't have a lot of energy to run. And I decided that's okay - I'm not upset in the least. I think my body's still in recovery mode from last week and besides, I'm doing Georgetown 1/2 on Saturday so playing it easy this week anyway. Met Rob for some weight training that about kicked my butt tonight. That was tough! I cannot do push ups on a stability ball to save my life!! Anyway, felt good but very tough. Immediately after, went to met Ann, a client, to go do her workout. So I got a lot of weight training in tonight. I hope it helps me sleep better!
I have to work in the morning (what's that??!!??) and still have some writing to do for Dimity - she and Sarah are writing a book and Dimity asked me to do a small segment about running progressions. I'm super excited about that!!! So going to close and get that done so that I don't die tomorrow.
yesterday: 6.5 miles run
Today: 5 miles run, 1 killer weight training
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I'm Home
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Small-town Michigan to Big-town Chicago
I have left small-town Grand Haven and am now in the big-town of Chicago. I have been gone almost two weeks; after tomorrow's big city exploration, I will be ready to go home!
Yesterday was a miserable day at the beach and I desperately wanted to go to Chicago last night. I was quickly vetoed; the kids all wanted to go to the grand finale fireworks display last night. During the parade yesterday morning, it rained. I froze. We went to our friend's house early because the beach was too cold to go to and we just hung out there for what seemed like ever. I was so tired and really just wanted to get out of town. Abbey and I went and rented a movie while the rest of the crew ventured downtown to watch fireworks. I wasn't even able to watch the entire movie, I was way too tired; it is still sitting in my laptop, I need to return it to the nearest Redbox.
Got up early .. and I mean EARLY (like 4:30. Which is 2:30 Colorado time. I couldn't sleep). Laid around awhile and then finally got up to go for a run. My legs are tired. I'll admit it. I ran about 8 miles....I'd hoped I could pick up the pace a tad but I couldn't. I sent Rob an email with my log for the week and told him I needed a lower mileage week this week. Haven't heard back from him yet but I think he'll concur. I hope I get my plan before tomorrow morning.
Finally got out of Michigan late this morning and we headed to Chicago. Got here a little after lunch time and toured the Museum of Science and Industry. Always a cool place to visit. Brendan especially enjoyed the flight simulator on the Navy fighter plane and later Ryan and Abbey went to the Harry Potter exhibit with my cousin and her boys (they live in the north suburbs of Chicago) and I went with Brendan to see the U-505 submarine tour, which was way cool!!!
Brendan in front of the United 727 plane at Museum of Sci. and Ind.
Me; my cousin, Doug; Doug's wife, Kristie; my other cousin's wife, Carrie
Hang at the hotel in Chicago right now, getting caught up on some writing and a ton of emails. My ankle still itches from the bee bite. My body very tired from the high mileage week and early morning runs so going to head to bed here soon. Looking forward to tomorrow as we go to the Sear's Tower and do a few other sight seeing things. Then home!
Happy Birthday to my twin boys today!!!!
8 miles run today