I never got the type of soreness one gets the day after a marathon that I got with Pikes Peak; instead, I got some major soreness in places I never knew could be sore. Most predominate was lower, outside hamstrings. Never had it there before. Owie. I thought about going for a swim on Sunday but decided total rest was probably my best antidote. This morning I was pretty stiff still and a wee-bit too much to drink last night (thanks for that, Paula) so when 5:00 rolled around to go workout, I was really kinda hurting. But I went and it was good to do a little weights and Rob stretched my legs some, too. I guess the soreness is the reward for all the work, huh? Well...maybe not in this case but honestly, that's what I tell myself many times during a marathon.
So a slower mileage week this week, which I think my body and my mentality, is ready for. I have a marathon to do on Saturday. Not for a time ....it's strictly for training. Meeting some people I work with there for the race and decided I'd just do it, since I'm there, and practice maintaining a pace, hydration, nutrition, etc. Will be interesting to see how it all pans out. This will be the 3rd race in as many weekends... but oh yeah, not viewing Park City as a "race" now are we!!
Abbey and I went to see 'The Time Traveler's Wife' tonight - not highly recommended by either her nor I. Just not a good story, in my opinion. Didn't even see any good previews.
Back to work on Wed. :(. Very sad about that!!
Tomorrow short tempo run. Girls' night out tomorrow night, too! All girls welcome :)
Thanks for all the comments on the Pikes Peak blog!! Much appreciated!
3 miles run
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