We came home from our little trip to New Mexico last night, a day early. A massive storm was predicted, which accuracy for once, to hit Denver last night and I didn't want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere. I was a little bummed that we never made it to the 4-corners and Mesa Verde, which was on the original schedule; we haven't been there in ages and I know the boys would have enjoyed that immensely. But we had a great time in Albuquerque and got a good three days of quality time exploring the area!
A few firsts for me while on vacation (don't worry, they aren't some life-altering occurrences where I'm going to get deep and heavy here ... just plain ole simple firsts that stuck with me):
-I ran my first longer-than-12-mile run in Albuquerque in the 22 years I've frequented there. I've been in the midst of training for a marathon or two (or 3 or 4 even...) while I've visited there and have had to arrange my runs around whatever was going on, as we runners do, but I can't recall ever going over 12 before. So 17 was a pretty big milestone.
- I did this 17-miler on th

- I didn't have a sucky long run - for once. Granted, it was only 17 vs. 21-23 like I was doing this past summer but still....the run went well and I could do "race pace" in the middle, whereas I haven't been able to all summer.
- I actually lost a lb on vacation vs. gaining 7. Sweet!
- I ran speed work on vacation. Which is just kinda weird. And I didn't do 400's on a track; I thought about that but kids were still in school here (I think) and I'm not exactly sure where the nearest high school is anyway so I ran about a mile, found a fairly flat side street and ran quarter mile repeats. Fast one way, slow and recovered the other way. Repeat x 10. At an average of 1:33. That'd be a 6:12 pace, baby! Pretty happy about that! I had negotiated with Rob about doing 12 instead of 8 that he wanted me to do but I ended them at 10 because I got a late start an wanted to get out of town....and also because my annoying glute pain was acting up. Again. I'm happy with the 10 I got in; I worked them hard and felt great so I'll take it!- The boys and I hiked the 5 volcanoes, cinder cones, that border the western edge of the city. Always wanted hike around them, beings the geologist and all, but never did for whatever reasons. They were awesome!
- I read an entire Runners World magazine from cover to cover in one sitting. Usually, it takes me about 3 weeks to read about half before I give up. I need more hours in my life...
- As to the subject of this blog: Thoughts of a 50-miler next year entered my mind. Thanks, in part, to the magazine (above) I read. As Tish Hamilton wrote in the article, "I was going to run just one ultra, and I didn't want to have to explain that 50-K was 31 miles." That's not really my exact reason....I'm sort of going with the: I'm going to run just one ultra and I don't think I'd run 50 miles if I know how painful 50-K is so I may as well enter the ultra world with a big bang, and just end it right then and there. Me, doing a 50-miler!! I think I'm ready mentally!!! Now...which to pick. And how to even go about training. Here's an article on ultras I found pretty interesting: http://www.angelfire.com/ultra2/teamslug/50miletraining.html.html
- I bought my first lightweight trainers: Nike LunarGlide. They're super ugly; I got the dk gray/yellow color (oh sorry, their official color is: Anthracite/Reflective Silver-Voltage Yellow) but wow, I ran just a half mile on them today (forced rest day due to the irritating glute) and they just feel so light on the ole legs! They are apparently the latest crave so I'm excited to see how they work. And if they DO work, I need a different color!
That's it, I think!
Denver is getting bombarded with major snow today (so glad I came home early). I like
bees outta it. Ok, I'm gonna make the effort. Really! Picture is from my backyard deck. Another 10" predicted before this beast moves out!
It sounds like you aren't a huge fan..but I'm gonna say it: I'm jealous of your snow!!! I can't wait to go out and play in the snow. Sounds like a great vacation! Sorry it was cut short, but thankfully you had a good time while you were there. A 50-milers? You can do it!
50 miles??? ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. not for me! But I really want some of those lunar glides. "Trainers?" So you wouldn't wear them on your mileage runs? Confused. I wear Nike Vomeros now and LOVE them.
My sister finally made it out of DIA last night en route to TX 3 hours later than scheduled....
Wow your post just took me from warm sunny weather to, how much did you say!!, cold snowy weather!! And throw in a 50mile Ultra while you are at it! WOW!! I'll be interested in your training schedule for that. Good Luck!
Sounds like you had a fun trip! Home to snow though? That's a little tough. I want to do a 50 miler in May...I did a 50k in Sept. so I'm ready to go to the next step, I think. Thanks for the article on the ultra, I'm always looking for info. on training.
I love the description of the Halloween parade on bikes while you were running, so cute.
Love your blog - sorry to hear that you've been hit with so much snow. I'm dreading the day I'll need to step back on the treadmill because I'm snowed out on the road. I look forward to reading more of your adventures. CO must be a dream place to run trails. Best of luck with 50!
GAHHHHH, I am so done with the snow, too! I think we are at about 23 or 24" at my house. I will run in snow, vs getting on a treadmill, but two feet makes it a little difficult. Well, that and the healing broken foot...
As for a 50-miler, I have been thinking I am going to go there after I get my marathons in...I got a whole bookmark folder of Ultra sites and blogs and articles...I say GO FOR IT! And yes, we should meet up and run when I am running functional again. :)
Uh, not for me. I'm looking forward to running 10Ks after I get my fantasy marathon time. Less is more for me. But I will cheer! AND, I happen to love your shoes. Gray and yellow. You'll be running on sunshine, even if it ain't coming from the sky!
Go for it. YOu will love the 50 miler, they rock
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