Thursday, November 17, 2011

2nd Annual Holiday Blogger Gift Exchange

It's that time again (I know, really?)......
2nd Annual Holiday Blogger Gift Exchange

For those who of you who were around last year, I hosted the 1st Holiday Blogger Gift Exchange and it went fairly smoothly and was a lot of fun.  So what the heck, let's do it again this year.  Here's the rules:
  • Leave me an, "I'm in" comment if you're interested partaking in the holiday gift exchange.  Please also include your email address if a reply to your comment does not automatically take me to your email.  If you aren't comfortable leaving your email address in the blog comment, then email me directly:
  • Dollar amount is $10. 
  • Now, I know almost everyone last year spent well over this amount, but the minimum is $10.  Please don't gripe if you spent more and the gift you received was $10.  I have to put a dollar limit and this seems like a reasonable amount.  It's the thought that counts, right?  Right!
  • Canadian friends in the frozen North and others far away across the big blue pond can partake, just don't forget the U.S. dollar exchange rate.  And your gift may be a bit late, just let your blog buddy know you're from lands afar. 
  • Deadline to sign up is December 5th at 12pm MST (that's Mountain Standard Time.  Yes, there is such a time zone...go ahead and Google it).
  • Please share the exchange on your blog and direct them over here, the more the merrier.  Last year I think we had about 81 participating ... let's see if we can't double that!  Really....I have a plan this year to make the picking go more smoothly, I won't be pulling my hair and drinking lots of beer like last year.  Well, maybe lots of beer still.
  • I will email you each individually asking for your mailing address.  Believe it or not, a mailing address is needed to actually mail a gift :).  I will not share your address with anyone but whomever your gift exchange blogger is.
  • I will randomly pick a name for your exchangee and email you who that person is by December 8th-ish.  People, this is a Secret Santa-y type thingie so go don't blabbing who you are to your blog exchange-er.  Go over to your blog exchange friend and poke around to find out who they are ... but don't let on that you are their Secret Santa.  Well, you can if you're probably the same kid who snooped around in your parents' closet finding what your gift was before the big day.  I know who you are.
  • Do not renege on this once you commit.  Last year, I signed up to do the Secret Santa at work - something I usually ba-humbug at but thought this was a good attempt to lift my spirit.  The rules were simple: send little gifts for an entire week, place them in your work mailbox with little clues as to who your Secret Santa was, then on the last day of the week a larger gift was given and the secret was reveled as to who your Santa was.  Um....I got some gum on day one .... and then nothing again.  Ever.  Totally sucked!
  • You cannot ask me for a new name after I send you one.  I don't care if they haven't commented on your blog in 3 years, yet you do theirs daily.  This is your holiday blog buddy, love them with open arms!
  • Though this holiday gift exchange is not any specific religion specific, let's be courteous for those that celebrate and get our gifts mailed before the big holiday dates arrive.  I mean....really!!  Do not wait until December 24th to mail your gift.  I'll be flooding your email inbox if you do, I promise.  
  • Please blog (with pictures, if possible) your gift and who your gift exchange buddy is once your gift has arrived - and please thank them.  I will be watching!  I know last year I had to get on a couple people to hurry and get the gift sent...and though I don't mind being a big meany, I just don't want to.
  • I'll remind you every blog post I make (I know, I don't blog often, but I will try more with this little shindig), so don't worry, you won't forget!
  • This will be FUN!! It will!
  • I'm really, really tired and have to get up really, really early so if none of this make sense because I was rambling or if it's chucked full of, sorry.  Let me recap:  Tell me you want in the gift exchange, then buy a gift and mail it to the person I tell you.  Easy!
Here's some great gift ideas from last year:

Oh, you know who you are!!
And of course, please don't forget your host, runwithjill, if you're feeling a little extra giving this year.  She likes pink.  And sparkly. And anything running related.  Here, let me make it easy for you...

Ok, I think that's about it.  Let's Exchange!!!  


Kandi said...

I'm in.

Christi said...

I am in and you have my email address!

Karen said...

I'm in :)

Lindsay said...

In, I am.

Lindsay said...

I hope I pick you as my secret. I would love to find $10 versions of an iPad, running shoes, and diamonds.

Kokoda Treks said...
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Caroline said...

I am in!!!!!!!
I missed it last year..I did not know the world famous Jill back then...:)

Chicken said...

I'm In!! This sounds fun!

Christie said...

I'm In

bobbi said...

I'm in!

pensive pumpkin said...

Count me in!

Kate Geisen said...

I'm in! Last year's gift exchange introduced me to my favorite running artist. Looking forward to seeing who this year's victim...I mean...lucky recipient is!

Terzah said...

I'm absolutely in!!

Michelle said...

Im in!

Julie said...


misszippy said...

Yay! I am in. And appreciate you doing it b/c i know it was hard work!

Teamarcia said...

I am so in!

christa said...

I want to do it.

Irene said...

You know I'm in!

Last year was a lot of fun and I got to meet 2 new people. :)

J. L. said...

I'm in

Caratunk Girl said...



Char said...

I'm not in because of the distance but I'm liking your own personal choice of gifts Jill. Just as well you said 'at least $10'

Elizabeth said...

i’m in! i think you can just reply from here...

CautiouslyAudacious said...

I'm in!

Jason said...

I'm in and I want beth as I can't buy enough whoopie cushions!

Victoria said...

Elizabeth at Running for Bling just posted this on her blog, which is how I found you.

I'm in!

Julia said...

just found your blog from the studly runner! i am IN!

ajh said...

First did you get that bike necklace and where did it come from? It may go on my Christmas list!

And I am so in. I loved this. Thanks for doing it again. I will post about it!

Christina said...

I'm IN.

Darlene said...

I'm in - I will post it on my blog. :)

Aimee said...

I LOVED this last year! You know I'm totally in!!

here's my email:

Bubble Boy said...

Jilly B, I believe your secret santa delivered, but the Grinch stole your secret Santa gifts last year. I would like to play, but I am not a good blogger so I would have to go on the BAD Blogger list.

The Green Girl said...

I had so much fun doing this last year that I couldn't possibly resist another go 'round!

The Green Girl said...
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Ransick said...

I'm in. I almost said yes last year but I was such a new blogger I was shy :-).

MCM Mama said...

I'm in again. Loved it last year.

mom2shoo at

Karien P. said...

I'm in!!

Jennifer said...

Of course I'm in. It was way fun last year!

See.Kate.Run said...

I'm in. I love Holiday Exchanges!! :D

bobbie said...

I am in :) Just in case my email doesn't show

TX Runner Mom said...

I'm in!!! Awesome!

SupermomE13 said...

I am in!!!

Rain said...

I am in :)

Katie said...

I'm in :)

Unknown said...

This looks like great fun! I am in!

a runner said...

Sign me up :)

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Did I already say, I'm in!

I am super-self-absored right now. sorry. I'll get back to my more usual self after this dumb race.

You have my email. I don't know which one ( so I'll give you this one so you don't have to type it if you paste them from here. If you wanna use the other one that's fine too.

Promise to check up after the race! Too bad I can't chat on my cell while running, I'd be able to check up with everyone in that much time. heehee hugs! said...

I'm in! So fun.

giraffy said...

How fun! I'm in!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I'm in Jill!

i will post to my blog!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

SanJuanRunnerGirl said...

I'm IN!!!

Anonymous said...

oh this makes me a little stress ball deep inside---what if my gift is a giant FAIL?!

well sorry in advance to whoever gets my gift...I'm in :)

Beth said...

I'm in!!!

Beth @ RUNNING around my kitchen said...

I'm in, this is great - thanks for organizing :)

ashe said...

im in!

ashe said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ashe said...
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Jenn said...

Count me in:)

Sarah Mann Willcox said...

Had SO much fun last year! Totally in!

Lindsey said...

Sounds great...I'm in!!

Christy J said...

I'm in!

Queenie said...

I'm in!

my email is

RunningWhit said...

I'm in! It was fun last year! runningwhit at hotmail dot com

Run with Jess said...

I"m in!

Raina said...

Count me in this year :)

Kim said...

I'm in!! Just saw this from SUAR's blog and it sounds like fun!!

Staci said...

I'm in, all the way from Jhb, South Africa.

Unknown said...

did not sign up in time last year but you bet im in this year!! :D

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I'm super excited too!

A Prelude To... said...

I'm in!

Jan[et] Cicelia said...

Count me in

Julie @ ROJ Running said...

I am in too!

Colorado Gal said...

I'm in!

Lindsay said...

I'm in.

Meg said...

I am in - this sounds like fun!

Meg said...

My e-mail

Prickett Puppies said...

What an awesome idea!! I'm in!

I'm here because of The Blonde Ponytail. :-)


Kiley said...

I'm in - dailyvitaminf(at)gmail(dot)com

SeRUNity NOW said...

I am totally in! I love this idea!

SeRUNity NOW said...


Run Jess Run said...

I'm in!

Jenny said...

I'm in! : )

Anonymous said...

I am in! runningforthree (at) gmail (dot) com. This is cool!

Black Knight said...

I am in!

The Boring Runner said...

Me! Me! Me!!

I plan to complain about how my gift exchange person didn't follow one of the rules and the blame it on you. THEN I plan on complaining about how I didn't get the blogger buddy that I wanted and blame it on you. AND THEN, I plan on rolling my eyes at the stupid people who complain to you about doing such an awesome thing - getting all of us runners together!! Thanks again for your work on this!

Rachelle Wardle said...

I am in!!

Rach @ Girl on the Run said...

this sounds fun...I'm in! Girl on the Run -

Anonymous said...

I'm in! I'm In! I'm In!

Nina said...

This sounds like fun! I'm in!

Molly said...

I'm in again!!!! : )

Bluegrass Tri Chick said...

Sounds fun! I'm in!

andreawilson70 at gmail dot com

Suz and Allan said...

This is great! I'm in! Glad to have found your blog!

Shannon (IronTexasMommy) said...

I am in!

Sheina T. said...

I'm in!

Falon said...

I wanna play too!

Unknown said...

this sounds like fun. I would like to join in. Found your blog via my email is Thanks.

Active Headbands said...

I would love to be included. I don't really have a running blog but I love reading them. I do have a blog for my business Active Bands. I'm so excited to try this. I found out about it from Julia Hubbard.

Frances Baldwin

Amanda@runninghood said...

IN. :)

Susan said...

I'm in -

ImTheMarigold said...

I'm in.

Grannie Frannie Runs said...

I'm in - sounds like fun

jillconyers said...

Count me in!

Johann said...

I'm in! Maybe I get a hint book on how to plan to race in the USA...

RunToTheFinish said...

totally in this was great last year!!

hannahviolin said...

This seems like fun! I'm in. hannahviolin at gmail dot com.

Kirsten said...

I'm in, in, in!

2 Slow 4 Boston said...

Wow, there are a lot of people doing this so far. Hats off to you for coordinating it. I'm in.

kimberlee said...

I'm in!!

Stephanie Anne said...

I was so sad to miss this last year. I'm definitely in!!

TriMOEngr said...

I am in.

Erin Masi said...

I'm in! What a fun idea!


Alicia said...

i'm in !

Unknown said...

I'm in!!


slowly growing old together said...

count me in, too!!

elizabethlacy said...

I'm in :)

eliza beth lacy 62 at gmail

Lynda said...

I'm in!

Luna 7568 @ aol .com

no spaces when you type it in. Just didn't want spam.

Erica Gorman said...

Oh yeah...

lifeasarunningmom (gmail)

Meg said...

I'm in! This is a great idea.

Andrew Opala said...

I'm in. Last year I really enjoyed my present. I think it was a ... I forget

Runner Leana said...

This sounds like so much fun! I'm in!

Lauren said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lauren said...

I want in on this!! :D

-Lauren Q :) :)

Kim said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

I am in!!

robinbb said...

I am in!

Jenna Z said...

Count me in, too!
beastbunny at hotmail dot com

Penny said...

I am in! Sounds like fun!

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...

I am in! What fun! I can't wait to meet a new bloggy friend!

Kyria @ Travel Spot said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cortney @ Nerd on the Run said...

I'm in!!

Kim said...

Sounds like fun

Liz @ Southern Charm said...

I'm in!!

John and Becca said...

IN!!! Totally IN!!
Will post to blog ASAP!

Anonymous said...

Is it too late to sign up? If not, I'm in.

Melanie said...

i'm in...if it's not too late.

Theresa Unruh said...

Oooh, this sounds fun! I want in!!

Patrick Mahoney said...

Still use the killer coffee mug I got last year. I'm in

contact via

Christina said...


Carla Runs The World said...

I'm in! Just sent you an email to make it official!

Danielle said...

I am in!!

bethcanada said...

I'm in sounds like fun.

Unknown said...

I am in.

H.B. said...

Hope it's not too late to sign up! It's almost 1pm on the east coast :-)

Michelle said...

Oooh, please, please, please! Let me in! :)

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

bummer!! I missed it!! Silly school!! Next year I want to be in too! :)

Jill@Run for the Hills said...

See what happens when I'm injured and depressed? I miss out on awesome things like this.
Perhaps you have an odd number of participants and need one more. If so, I'm your gal. ;)

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