Bike: 23.78 Miles
Should have also done some weights, but I didn't.
Run: 7 miles fartlek. Base pace at 10:20 with 10x30 sec fast sprints at 7:31 mixed in.
Felt good. First attempt at any "speedwork" in well over a year so I'll take it.
Run: Easy run of 10.68 miles on trails @ 10:04 pace
Didn't feel great from the start, something just felt "off" but I hung on. Such a pretty, and peaceful place....This is the view I get to look when I run on the trails at the park by my house....
Run: 3 miles easy
Weights: 30 minutes
Run: 9 miles @ 9:58 pace
Ran with a new friend from the relay I did. I rarely run with people so this was a treat....but I find I waste a lot of energy talking and the pace felt tougher than it should have. Legs a little tired from the week, too.
Swim: 1600yds
I usually love to swim laps, mostly kicking, for a great muscle recovery, but my left leg was having some issues in the groin and wasn't able to breast stroke kick much. So I cut the swim short of a mile.
Run: 1 mile (warm up to swim)
Run: 12 miles @ 9:42 pace.
I really had no energy to do this run and emotionally checked out long before it started. My daughter moved out the day before and dangit if I didn't get choked up every time I thought about her empty room. *sigh*
Week 3 Totals:
Run: 42.68 miles
Bike: 23.78 miles
Swim: 1600yds
Weights: 30 mins
Overall, I had a pretty rough week focusing on the workouts, I really didn't get in enough weight training but the mileage was where I wanted it. I really fought hard all week to hold back the emotions as Abbey moved into her apartment, but it was tough and my running effort was definitely affected. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for her - the girl has endured a lot of personal hardship in her life and this past month she had to make some very difficult grown-up decisions; but she is branching out on her own, as she is suppose to do, and becoming the adult she needs to be. But it doesn't mean it is easy for me. That's just my nature, I've always had a hard time with separation, but I am doing much better now and am very excited for her as she enters a new chapter in her life. In fact, yesterday, we went to the zoo .... don't most 20-year-olds want to go to the zoo?? She was having a rough day with more personal crap so I took off and met her at the zoo and we had a great time - lots of smiles and some good girl chatting. Perfect day :).

Abbey's fav: the giraffes
My body continues to hold up for the most part, but I am definitely feeling the push. My left hamstring likes to let me know it doesn't care to go much past 10 miles and my back sometimes aches at this point, too. A posture thing, perhaps. Neither are concerns with the PT but I will probe him more about it when I go this week. The forefoot of my left foot's also bothering me; I think I still compensate on this side of my body and I hit the ground harder on this side of my foot. So I'm playing with shoes again and think I'm making some progress. I need to pick up more wt training than one 30-minute session a week, but so far this week isn't looking much better. I also need to be better incorporating more drills and strides....these are things to work on as I progress.
I recently read a blog post from a friend I feel I've "known" forever, which got me thinking a little about my running and why it's so important to me to keep pushing forward, when really, quitting a long time ago would hav been so much simpler. I thought about the 17 marathons I've run, how none of them were easy and I'm pretty sure at least half of them were so painful I said in a mid-race temper tantrum I'd never run another.
But in the end, I have never regretted the struggle - there is a tremendous personal satisfaction in knowing that every marathon or race medal I own was earned with endless amounts of sweat, tears and mental fortitude.
Everything I have done in my life (work, running, cycling....) has not come easy to me. I have had to work like hell just to be mediocre, but I am good with that because the satisfaction comes from knowing I have done my very best.
I am not someone who is particularly fast or talented as a runner (especially right now); I can't talk much about what it feels like to win a race, or even an age group very often. But I do know I love to run. Give me a slow, plodding painful run, a beast of a hill, in interval, a long doesn't matter what it is, I just want to run! I cannot pinpoint the exact moment in my life when running transition from my high school and college days of 'have to' to an 'I can't wait to.' But it did. And something happened to me as a runner, as a woman, and as a mother...all at once.
Determination has, by far, a greater impact than giftedness. I am not a better runner because I am me; I am a better me because I am a runner. And that, my friends, is why I never gave in to this debilitation injury....I feel better the past 3 weeks of little aches and pains from training than I have for the past two years not.
I am grateful for my new goals, my new approach, and my new running life. I am excited to share with you my upcoming adventures as they come into view. I hope I can inspire a little motivation out there, as I know you do me. So, just like the rest of you, I will soldier on.
Bike: 23.78 Miles
Should have also done some weights, but I didn't.
Run: 7 miles fartlek. Base pace at 10:20 with 10x30 sec fast sprints at 7:31 mixed in.
Felt good. First attempt at any "speedwork" in well over a year so I'll take it.
Run: Easy run of 10.68 miles on trails @ 10:04 pace
Didn't feel great from the start, something just felt "off" but I hung on. Such a pretty, and peaceful place....This is the view I get to look when I run on the trails at the park by my house....
Run: 3 miles easy
Weights: 30 minutes
Run: 9 miles @ 9:58 pace
Ran with a new friend from the relay I did. I rarely run with people so this was a treat....but I find I waste a lot of energy talking and the pace felt tougher than it should have. Legs a little tired from the week, too.
Swim: 1600yds
I usually love to swim laps, mostly kicking, for a great muscle recovery, but my left leg was having some issues in the groin and wasn't able to breast stroke kick much. So I cut the swim short of a mile.
Run: 1 mile (warm up to swim)
Run: 12 miles @ 9:42 pace.
I really had no energy to do this run and emotionally checked out long before it started. My daughter moved out the day before and dangit if I didn't get choked up every time I thought about her empty room. *sigh*
Run: 42.68 miles
Bike: 23.78 miles
Swim: 1600yds
Weights: 30 mins
Overall, I had a pretty rough week focusing on the workouts, I really didn't get in enough weight training but the mileage was where I wanted it. I really fought hard all week to hold back the emotions as Abbey moved into her apartment, but it was tough and my running effort was definitely affected. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for her - the girl has endured a lot of personal hardship in her life and this past month she had to make some very difficult grown-up decisions; but she is branching out on her own, as she is suppose to do, and becoming the adult she needs to be. But it doesn't mean it is easy for me. That's just my nature, I've always had a hard time with separation, but I am doing much better now and am very excited for her as she enters a new chapter in her life. In fact, yesterday, we went to the zoo .... don't most 20-year-olds want to go to the zoo?? She was having a rough day with more personal crap so I took off and met her at the zoo and we had a great time - lots of smiles and some good girl chatting. Perfect day :).
Abbey's fav: the giraffes |
My body continues to hold up for the most part, but I am definitely feeling the push. My left hamstring likes to let me know it doesn't care to go much past 10 miles and my back sometimes aches at this point, too. A posture thing, perhaps. Neither are concerns with the PT but I will probe him more about it when I go this week. The forefoot of my left foot's also bothering me; I think I still compensate on this side of my body and I hit the ground harder on this side of my foot. So I'm playing with shoes again and think I'm making some progress. I need to pick up more wt training than one 30-minute session a week, but so far this week isn't looking much better. I also need to be better incorporating more drills and strides....these are things to work on as I progress.
But in the end, I have never regretted the struggle - there is a tremendous personal satisfaction in knowing that every marathon or race medal I own was earned with endless amounts of sweat, tears and mental fortitude.
Everything I have done in my life (work, running, cycling....) has not come easy to me. I have had to work like hell just to be mediocre, but I am good with that because the satisfaction comes from knowing I have done my very best.
Determination has, by far, a greater impact than giftedness. I am not a better runner because I am me; I am a better me because I am a runner. And that, my friends, is why I never gave in to this debilitation injury....I feel better the past 3 weeks of little aches and pains from training than I have for the past two years not.
I am grateful for my new goals, my new approach, and my new running life. I am excited to share with you my upcoming adventures as they come into view. I hope I can inspire a little motivation out there, as I know you do me. So, just like the rest of you, I will soldier on.
Here's the beautiful post my friend wrote. I don't know why I'm including it.....other than it made me really, really happy that my injury could bring a happy ending ... somewhere. Thanks, Garbo...
Sometimes happy endings are really just beginnings
If you are wise, you regularly read Run with Jill, the blog of Slow Ernie’s longtime spiritual adviser. I first came across her in the ’60s on the RW Loop site. She was a terrific runner, a nice person and a gifted writer.
So what’s the point here? She was sidelined a while ago with a career-ending injury. If it were me there would be homeless guys all over Corpus parading around in racing flats, because I would have just given up. But Jill researched, experimented, suffered, researched some more, cried, laughed and kept going.
“No running” became “well, maybe some biking” and “OK, a jog/run” and “well, maybe up Pike’s Peak, but only one way.”
And just like that, she’s back in her second week of marathon training. And kicking some serious buttocks.
The internet is an odd place. You don’t really know anybody, yet you know them really well. Jill and I at the same time have gone through injuries, unemployment, frustration and maybe the early stages of menopause. Or maybe I’m just crabby by nature.
All I know is, her comeback makes me really, really happy.
But don’t bother trying to leave a response …
Just ignore that last line :)....I love the comments and appreciate each and every one of them, they truly helped me never give up when I seriously wondered if I'd ever run again. Thank you!!
Finally, I have tobrag share: Ryan ran a 17:38 5K during last Friday's XC meet, a good minute and a half PR. Good lord that kid is showing a lot of talent. I can only hope my persistence has rubbed off on him, too.
Run strong, my friends!
(and I apologize for the spacing issues above....I am about ready to kick Blogger to the curb!!)
Just ignore that last line :)....I love the comments and appreciate each and every one of them, they truly helped me never give up when I seriously wondered if I'd ever run again. Thank you!!
Finally, I have to
Run strong, my friends!
(and I apologize for the spacing issues above....I am about ready to kick Blogger to the curb!!)
"I am not a better runner because I am me; I am a better me because I am a runner."
This is perfect - thank you!
I added this post to my Favorites so I can keep coming back to it. This is exactly what I needed.
The trails around your house look so amazing! That would make it hard to do any miles on the road.
Thank you for the reminder to keep pushing forward.
Great post, Jill. You are definitely an inspiration. Love hearing from someone who truly loves running.
Wow, I'm so jealous of your scenery. Gorgeous!
You are hardcore tough, girl. Just swimming 1600 M like it's nothing. I'm thrilled beyond measure when I can choke out (sometimes literally) 1100 yards or so. Maybe if I did it more than twice a month...
I loved that post about you. It has to be a good feeling knowing what your struggle and TRIUMPH has meant to the other people around you. You're awesome. :)
Wahoo I am number 5!! J/K ;)
You have quite an admirer there and everywhere. You are a very talented writer and a true inspiration. I started following you on the tail end of your injury but it sounded like such a long struggle. I am so excited to follow you in this next phase of your journey. I love your blog, some of the things you write I really identify with.
This is such an eloquent summary of not just my running but my life..
"I have had to work like hell just to be mediocre, but I am good with that because the satisfaction comes from knowing I have done my very best."
Love it.
Congrats on getting through your training!! It is weird how some weeks are more difficult than others. Glad you had a chance to go to the zoo with your daughter... I am not a mom yet but I can imagine it would be really hard to let them go. Tell Ryan congrats!!! :D
Lovely Jill. Again, so wonderful to read your comeback voice! I recognize that view! Beautiful. Love your words about what running is to you Jill...obviously such a huge part of you and something that brings so much Joy and fulfillment and peace.
Your training is looking really great! The swimming, biking AND running. Awesome! And especially during such a hard week. :( Glad you got to go to the zoo with your sweet girl. The giraffe is my favorite too.
Congrats to Ryan! this is so wonderful! Go Ryan Go!!
I really am thrilled that you are RUNNING again. And that it is going well... no, not as fast as you'd like ;-)
(((hugs))) about your girl moving...
This was a terrific post Jill.
This has been a year of overcoming obstacles, of growth, for you.
Your daughter is a lucky girl to have you for a mom. If she doesn't know it yet, she will! And Ryan- WOW- that is some speed he is picking up! Gotta love great coaching, huh?? :)
Great training week. Getting past the mental stuff is more than half the battle.
Enjoy the Colorado fall colors!
Look at you with your mileage into the 40s! So, so great and yes, worth every ache and pain. love what your friend wrote-I'll still comment, though!
I think the zoo is a very cool place to take a 20-yr. old. Sounds like good therapy for you both.
Go Ryan--what a speedster!
"Problems are really just solutions waiting to happen"...I just may steal that!
These are the weeks that we look back on and make what we accomplish so much sweeter. If it were easy, anybody would do it.
I have trouble getting motivated to lift too-a necessary evil but it sure makes the running smoother:)
Stay the course! :)
Awesome miles! and you road your bike!!! I haven't been on mine for 2 weeks...I nnneeeddd to goo for a ride! :)
I loved this post and I loved what your friend had to say about you...all very true! You are/have inspired me and will continue to do so.
Funny just last night at the Kick Start meeting one of the new runners said something about "you mean we have to keep doing this?" And I said "no you GET to keep doing this!"
Thanks for a great post!
What an inspiring post...thanks for being who you are Jill. Thanks for pushing through and for encouraging us to push through also...and thanks for your feedback on my last post :)
Have you gotten an "adjustment" recently? I typically start getting lower back and hip pain later in runs after a few weeks and I if I go get adjusted I can make it through without any pain.
There is just so much to say. I believe you know what I think about your running and training. :)
Your posts are always an inspiration. Remember your first comment when I started my blog?????? Still lingers in my mind about running and life.
I started reading the book! I have a ton of questions for you.
This is a great post, alot of fuel for thought, thanks for posting it
PS I like the new look
okay, "Determination." That's exactly what I needed to read this morning. I've been feeling a bit defeated, but I'm determined to keep going.
thanks chickie.
I love that picture of Abbey. She looks just like an excited little wonder you're having a hard time letting her go.
Ryan had a minute and a half PR?? Holy smoke!
My heart is happy that you have your love back. Running is something pretty special indeed.
You have such beautiful insights. Your posts often make me look deeper inside myself when I get caught up in the "surface" stuff.
Your love and passion and determination to run come across so strong - it is truly inspirational!
I had to laugh at the last line of Garbo's post... I always read yours and have so many thoughts running through my head as I do, and so many moments of "YES! I get that!" but then I get to the bottom to comment and draw a blank. How can I adequately respond to that?? No idea if that's what she meant. :P
That's some awesome mileage! Great post!
"I am a better me because I am a runner." -- I can relate to that, my family can relate to that, and so can my friends. :)
Don't tell me those aspen in your header are where you are. If so I am green with envy.
While I cannot stand intervals, I love, love fartleks, maybe because there is less structure to them (that would appeal to me, wouldn't it?)
If you two went to the zoo you are not *that* separated.
For your back and hamstrings, have you tried back extension exercises?
The perfect post for a week when workouts are fit in as obligations rather than as fun. Thanks!
Your training is going so well - what a change from all that time injured! Good luck to your daughter - it must be very hard for you, but as you say, the right thing for her.
I love the new aspens photo! Reminds me of hiking up at the maroon bells during aspen time.
Your training is going darn well....>>Enjoy it!<<
You are lucky that even though your daughter is now 'gone', she's not really very far away. And you can see her at the zoo. That's pretty lucky. >>Enjoy that too ;)<<
Garmin software sucks. Feel free to >>Hate it.<<
Looking forward to hear of your full recovery!
- Dean
Aww..this post totally made me smile! I know you had some rough runs lately, but you are doing awesome and I'm so happy for you!!!
You determination is an inspiration!!
AND, yay for your son! Woohoo!
That's some good work right there! Congrats!
I know how hard it is to have an empty bedroom (he moved back in so it's no longer empty). The first day he wasn't there I went in and sat on
His bed and had a little cry. But I reminded myself that this is what we work towards as parents - functioning, independent adults who aren't scared of facing the world. And you get to see them - not so often - but usually when they're in a good frame of mind.
A lot in this a mom I get stuck on the moving out part and I cannot even think about when I will get there. I remember when I left, I was 18 and I did not even consider how it was affecting my parents..I regret this now and I have told them but still...I wish I had known better then. The zoo is like Disneyland to me..a perfect place for any age. How can one not be happy at the zoo?
you have a speedy boy!!! wow!
you are running again that is a good thing.
Great post!!! I agree 100% You're right, I love getting the medal! Not because a 42 year old man needs a cheap trinket on a string, but because it symbolizes so much! The minute I get it at a race, I feel like I can exhale for a while!
this is true... you do get 37402 comments on the regular. what's your secret? obviously you don't reciprocate... at least not on my blog.... ;)
Nice post about you. I think of you and how much you love running esp. lately when I am just not feeling it. It used to irritate me when I was injured and couldn't run and people would complain about not feeling it or some such nonsense. Now that's me. I guess I'll try swimming or something and cut back some on the running and see if that helps. I am going to hate putting my bike away.
I hope your daughter's move works out. I take it she is still nearby. That is the best kind of move!
Thanks for this, Jill! You are just wonderful. You could have been writing about me--I'm glad determination trumps giftedness. I hope this week of beautiful fall Colorado weather is going swimmingly for you and that you are feeling good. Remember the hill always seems steepest at the beginning!
Nice post Jill! Emotions certainly affects our running and training. I always try to get the positive from each run, but life is just not that simple. Looking forward to be part of your ongoing journey.
Inspirational post Jill! I have been out of the loop some and an so HAPPY to see you running again and great mileage for the week too! Good to here that even fabulous Jill has those days when running is uninspired and yet you push through and get it done. A good lesson for all of us! XOX Keep charging on my friend!
It is so great to read that your are running again! I hope you find your running mojo again. Congrats to Ryan!
your training seems really on right now
good Q time with your daughts Abbey
and JEEZ what a PR by Ryan - studrunner
If things came easy, they wouldn't be worth as much - would they?
I'm glad you and your daughter had a good time at the zoo. And that you're continuing to improve on the comeback trail.
delurking to say you entirely entirely inspire me.
I love the title Jill! Very inspiring post.
Hey Jill!! Finally I'm commenting. I'm the lousy friend who reads the posts but doesn't comment. In all reality it's because I read it, I found it very touching (truly) and I wanted to give it better than a bullshit "great post" comment.
First, your training is really going well!! Your miles are getting up there, swimming, weights, bike!! All in an emotionally tough week! Glad you and Abbey had the "perfect" day. This makes me think of how soon my girls are going to be gone....
Jill, you have seriously wrote some POWERFUL words in this post. 4 paragraphs in a row with profound thought. I loved being provoked to think and this post definitely did that for me. Great writing. "Determination has, by far a greater impact than Giftedness". Could not agree more.
Bragging is WAY OK when it comes to our kids IMO. SO much to brag about there. Awesome job Ryan-he sure IS showing a lot of talent!!! I know (on a much smaller level) how awesome it feels to have one of your kids share one of your passions! Excited to see where he goes with this. Super impressive.
So girl, hope you have a most wonderful weekend! Sorry for my long delay in commenting....Thought of you many times this week actually and how supportive you've been of me from day one. Thank you:)
Just curious, is your swim more of a recovery swim? Even though you says you didn't get in enough weights, it looks like a full week with no rest. I hope the swim was relaxing. :)
Both of my kids are still home. I'm not sure how I would react when they do finally move out, but I know I'd probably be a mess, especially when my daughter and grandson do go out on their own. I mean, we want them to be on their own, but watching them go is something else!
I loved this post. Passion is everything.
September 23, 2011 6:44 PM
Congrats to your son and his PR!!!
I love that quote!!! I totally agree with it in every aspect of life....
PS - I hear you on blogger and kicking it to the is SO FRUSTRATING!
Get Up & Go
WOW, you are really getting in some miles!! I'm still in the xc mode right now which is fine, I'm having fun! It looks like Carlsbad training starts tomorrow for me...hope you are doing well!!
I loved your reflections and thoughts in this post...we run because we love it. That's all...pretty simple!
Thanks for this!
Jill you are amazing. Those are some serious workout totals. I need to be more well rounded like you!
Love this post. You said it all so beautifully. You are a great example fo how it's done. :)
Holy Moley, you should brag in Ryan's time and PR!!! OSOM
You are the best Jilly Beans!! You are a great Coach, OSOM MOM and as Beaver Cleaver would say a Swell person!!!!!
Running has taught me to persevere, and I do believe that is the secret to life. The best has yet to come!
Oh am I dead last to comment again? HTH do I miss these??
Great week girl! It seems sometimes that running came back to you at just the time you needed it most. Hugs to you on the Abbs situation. Such a milestone, I can't even imagine. Congrats to Ryan on yet another awesome performance!
You certainly inspire me!!
Congrats to your son! That is a fantastic 5k time. I suspect he's back on varsity now?
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