Yeah, another parachute training day, in gale-force winds. Apparently my pray-for-no-winds-on-parachute-workout-days did little good; it did the opposite. Maybe that's a sign that I just need to accept the fact that parachutes are going to be part of my routine? Okay, I cave. I think by the time I actually felt the beneficial drag of this contraction around my waist, I crossed the line and was done. So I'm not certain what I'm currently doing is providing me much in terms of becoming speedier so I was kinda wondering about all this when I may have heard Rob say something about "intervals" with this thing over at the track in the future.....I think I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that comment. As a bonus to my deafness, I may have broke the thing ... as I was running the parachute got caught on a retaining wall and yep, I managed to yank the puppy off and got a nice ole rip in it! I have a feeling that's not going to deter my interval track work. All in all, I am getting a little more comfortable with it.

74 today in Denver.... gotta love it!!
Some weight training, which I felt super weak, and a tab bit of treadmill running, which about killed me. Just not all together today. Pulled a muscle in my back around my shoulder blade today; I worked on it as best as my body would allow me to - I looked like a pretzel! But it is feeling better. My sinuses on the other hand are in full-force allergy season. I think. And last but not least, Abbey came home from day 2 of golf and asked is she could quit. Why am I not surprised?? Uh, no!!
1 ish mile run
Weight training: 1
Ripped Parachute training: 1
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