It's been strange not writing for a couple days....Funny how when you don't do something in your routine for a bit, you appreciate it with greater reverence. (It is Lent, after all...). I've missed writing, I have no valid excuse other than I just got really busy, but I'm glad to be back.
Friday I didn't do a thing. And I actually ENJOYED it. Usually, I'm so achy to get out and run or do some sort of exercise to the point of when I'm not, I feel I am going through withdraws; like I'll go to bed feeling anxious for not getting that needle-in-my-vein rush in true addict form. But I didn't feel that on Friday, not one little bit. I enjoyed my off day and relished in the fact I has a bit more time to tackle some things that have been lagging in my craziness. Abbey went down to Tucson this weekend with her dad for a little Rockies spring training camp watching and a little college tour...I enjoyed getting her ready for her trip and loading her up on snacks. Not sure she apprecaited the road trip healthy foods I prepared, she told me that road trips were meant to fill up on gas station junk-food snacks. ugh.
Yesterday I had an awesome 22 mile run. I am in awe right now that my legs feel great and I am running strong, partly because of the fact I am not sleeping well and don't understand how I can continue to keep cranking out the mileage on so little sleep. I've decided if my body refuses to get the required sleep at night then I'm just going to make it with a nap during the day. At least on the weekends, and I had a brief one yesterday. The morning's run start was already 45 degrees at 6:45a.m. and it progressively got warmer with each step. Yes, I can feel springtime and the quick warmth it brings. I ran my favorite long run trail but instead of turning North at the country club, I veered South and ran over at Washington Park for a while as a little change. You always find runner's here - always - so it's fun to get a little pick-me-up by engaging with your own breed. I filled my water bottle at the fire station at the park, thinking I would have enough for the 9 miles home and would not have to stop at the car wash to refill again. Apparently my sense of properly gauging my water intake was in winter hibernation because as warmed quickly, exponential consumption of water cause me to go without the last few miles...and this is something I need to really be careful with so I don't end up with serious hydration issues like I did last year. I had some annoying lower back pain and general tiredness after I left Wash Park, which seems to be the norm lately with these long runs, but after I downed an Aleve/GU/Sport Legs concoction, I felt a lot better and ran strong to the end. It was 68 degrees, according to my car, at 10:38 when I was driving back home. Yeah....spring has sprung in Colorado and I am flying high right now. I want to linger here... somehow... if I can... for as long as I can!
Today it's suppose to reach the mid-70 and tomorrow snow predicted. Welcome to springtime in the Colorado Rockies!

22 miles run
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