Tonight was the montly salad party that a group of girls in my neighborhood do; just a way to get the girls together and catch up. We all bring ingredients to make a salad...and Anne-Marie brings dessert because she's an incredible baker (I can't bake a thing... and I am not proud of my cooking either). I was this month's hostess. Which is ironic because 1) I rarely ever go and 2) the last time I hosted was, as I just found out, 8 years ago when my friend, Pat, turned 50. 8?? Really?? Cuz I'd have sworn it was 5. Anyway, my dear friend, Shari, told me that there was an opening in March and asked if I'd host. Uh...I really hesitated because my crazy life seems to be all over the map and I hated to commit to actually organizing my house enough to have company. Ha. But then I thought that it needed a good deep cleaning so I said sure, I'd do it. Turns out it was a crazy night trying to get organized! I got home from work a bit later than I wanted. Headed to the big hill for 6 miles of hill repeats. It was warm and I was sweating BIG time! Got home, threw on a t-shirt and headed over to watch Brendan wrestle. Bummer for B...he got pinned within seconds :(. He was very sad and my heart just hurt so much for him. Got home, cleaned more, and by 6:00 realized there was no way I was going to get a shower before everyone came in a half hour. So yeah...gross. I did what I had to do and made myself presentable and had a really nice time hosting the girls for the evening. I ate way too many of Anne-Marie's oatmeal cookies and chocolate cake....oh well. I'm running 22 on Saturday, I'll work it off. I did NOT, though, have any alcohol! Saving that for April 20th!
Hills were okay but not going as smooth as they were last time I ran them, which was well over a month ago I think. I need to do them more regularly! My glutes and my pects are killing me from weights and the bike yesterday...which is interesting that the bike would cause the old glutes to be so sore since I rode less and not as fast as last week's cycling. Hum.
Okay, I'm way tired and I still have dishes to do before I go to bed! But before I sign off though, I want to say a BIG GOOD LUCK to all the prostates doing the Moab half marathon this weekend. I will be thinking of you guys every mile and wish I were there with you! I can't wait to hear all about the weekend!!!!! Run well!
6 miles run
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