Brendan and I had to run over to Southlands today, after he went to boxing camp, to pick up pictures for Abbey's graduation invites; I couldn't believe how beautiful these red tulips were that line the parameter of the shopping center. They simply took my breathe away; I had to stop and take a few pictures (not too bad for cell phone pics, huh?). My favorite flower: tulips. They are so sweet and hold special childhood memories.
I dropped B off at boxing today and made my way to attempt to get better quality pictures for Abbey's invites. No luck, the ones I got are no better than the ones I previous had made...so we're stuck with what we have. We managed to get a few invites out in the mail today...a major feat!!! If I survive this whole graduation process, it will be a true miracle!
I just had a sinus attack...sneezed a record high, I think: 8 times in a row. Ouch. That actually hurt!
Abbey and I went to see Ghosts of Girlfriends Past tonight. Not the greatest movie out there but it was a nice chick movie and I love going to the movies with her - very special. We laugh a lot.
The start of my day began with a 10ish mile run through CC park; my first run over 4 miles since Boston. My legs and glutes were a little stiff from the weights I did on Thursday so I took it slow. It felt great!!! I wasn't sure I'd be able to go that far and I had no pre-determined distance that I was going other than I hoped to get in at least 8 and no more than 10. I'm not sure if it was the fresh air (every thing's blooming here. achoo) or the fact I needed a good soul-cleansing run, or that I ran into the track coach on the trail, or that I just missed my favorite park....but it whatever it was, it felt great! Oh and the icing on the cake? My new shoes (the Sauconys) are incredible AND I had no feet numbing. None. And where I normally have problems with my arches with new shoes, today I had none!! I am super stoked!! Feels good to be back!!!!
Tomorrow the boys are doing a 5K downtown: Colorado Rockies Home Run for the Homeless. Suppose to be chilly but they still want to do it. Our good friends, the Clawson's are all running, too, so hopefully we'll all catch up for free beer and hot dogs after. Last year I ran this and got 2nd in my age group :). I am not going to run it this year....done with the 5K's for awhile I think and I have nothing to prove to myself. I may run a mile or two with Ryan if he wants me pace him. My boys have not been running at all since the 7K they did back in March so this will be interesting!
Abbey got some DU "stuff" in the mail today and the little impatient soul that she is, we had to sign up instantly for her dorm pick, her meal plan, and a mere $500 check for registration and dorm deposit. Guess that makes it official, huh? Reality is starting to set in. I'm glad DU is only 20 minutes but I will be a good mom and not frequently visit. Right?
Okay, off to bed, have to get up early for this race tomorrow!! I am excited for my boys. I'm also very excited for SBS's Eugene marathon tomorrow...she's worked SO hard!!
10 Miles Run
1 comment:
I love tulips too. We have a tulip festival here at Thanksgiving Point near where the dance was last night. Pity they only bloom for two weeks. I love carnations - they last longer but field of tulips is gorgeous !
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