Ryan stretching
I was thinking that the rain we had yesterday afternoon would deter my boys from wanting to get up so early and head out to the 5K downtown...but they did. What troopers. The weather was a little cool but actually ideal for a race. I signed them up, got their t-shirts (poor Ryan will swim in his; all they had left were size L, Ryan in a size S is way too big), stretched a little and they lined up for the start. There's a lot of people in this race but I think less than last year. I wasn't envious in the least that they were running and I wasn't, as is sometimes the case when I don't race but watch. I am tired, and I have no desire to run a 5K for awhile (oh, that'd actually be in two weeks when my leg of the Colfax Relay is a 5K). They took off, I got some pictures, I ran to the car to take their warming layers back, and headed to the finish line. Before I could even reach the finish, the first place guy was crossing. I mean, in like 15:10 or something insane like that!!! THAT I was envious of. Ha. He had to be a good minute ahead of the 2nd place finisher to beat! I made my way down to the entrance of the stadium where the runners enter and run a lap of the warming track inside the stadium (way cool!) before the come back out and cross the finish. First one I saw was my neighbor, Jim (who is gaining incredible speed!!...finishing in 22:05. And that was after he stopped to tie his shoes not once, but twice. Certainly can beat me now :) ), followed several minutes by Ryan, a c
ouple minutes later was Brendan, then comes Jim's son Will, then daughter Katie and my good friend, Jane! We all gathered at the end and ventured into the stadium for free hot dogs sodas and beer. 9:30 on a Sunday morning, I was having a beer. Thankfully, I only ate one bite of my hot dog and instead opted for a banana. Brendan, on the other hand, consumed 5. Hot Dogs. Yuck!!!!! It really warmed up and I was way over-dressed. The Clawson's had to leave to get Will to the dr., so we hung out a bit and then headed out. A great day....the boys did awesome (both told me they need new running shoes. Of course) and we had a blast after.
Brendan Run'n
The thought of going for a swim cross my mind ... for about a minute. I am just tired so I took a nap instead. I got up and helped Brendan in the backyard rake left over leaves from last fall. Spent about 2 hours on that project and got a lot done...but man, I still have a couple more hours worth of work out there. We have one Cottonwood tree that will not drop it's leaves until around mid-December, well after I all the others are done and this tree is huge and I just can't get to those leaves until spring. With good weather on the forecast for the rest of the week, I hope I can get some of the leaves done. So leaf raking was my exercise for the day.
My allergies seem slightly better today. I think I didn't get my allergy medicine in time yesterday when I had that sneeze attack! My quads are a little sore from yesterday's 10-miler. Sad.
And a big congrats to Sarah, who ran the Eugene marathon today in a PR of 3:52!! Soooo close to Boston Qualifying....she'll do it! Great job!
Jane and I have a 9:30 am beer!
1 comment:
I ran the race yesterday as well, great day for a run. Cool that your boys made it out, great event. Rest up for your relay!
I'd love to see the results but have no idea where they are, so let me know if you find them.
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