Left work about an hour early.
Dennis has reclassified my "sucky" leg assignment in next week's marathon relay to "challenging" (he knows I like a challenge). Still no word on a group meeting to identify my hand-off teammates....I suggested a group packet pickup and pre-race carbo loading beer. No confirmation on that.
My knee is not hurting today. Though I was suppose to run 5 slow miles, I did not. I took the day off and I feel good about that decision.
I didn't eat great, but better than previous days this week.
Ran into an amazing athlete and neighbor, Carol, at the dry cleaners today. I haven't seen her in ages and love her incredible athleticism. She's doing a half Ironman triathlon in July. I'm in awe!
Was asked by dmd if I would do an interview for her for an article for Woman's Health magazine. What... are you kidding me? Of course!!
Used a $100 coupon on a new purple patent leather Coach purse. SCORE!
Thinking of catering Yolanda's Tacos for Abbey's graduation. LOVE that place! At least a "thought" is further progress than we were yesterday with nothing.
Had two beers tonight with good friends.
Enjoying the house to myself and getting some writing done tonight. And some laundry.
My defaced FB "friend" emailed me today.
My yard's currently getting some good hydration.
I think I'm going to sleep more than 4 hours tonight.
Bought some tomato plants.
Learned I will wake up in the morning after taking 1 1/2 antihistamines before I go to sleep.
Feeling slightly better about registering for the Portland Marathon.
My favorite color is still pink (always). But I'm kinda liking the violet world.
Still feeling Boston!
I had a better hair day.
Feeling good about my long run tomorrow; will try for 15.
Thinking I may go to bed at 10:45 on a Friday night!!
All yesterday's issues addressed? Well, no word from Rob S. but that's par for the course, but I think I've made progress on most other matters. TGIF!

1 comment:
Good to hear that your day was better. I had a very long workday with lots of driving. I tried to do paperwork this evening but did not get much done as I was mentally fatigued too. I hope to get up early and go for a long run. It may be the first Saturday in a while that it is not raining in the morning . You never know. And MAYBE I can get back on FB tomorrow. Keep smiling and running !
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