I woke up early today in an attempt to get in my run before the heat started setting in. But here's a rundown of the major delay of said event: I had some paint samples for my ne

Now it's 9:00 and I'm looking at the thermometer on my windowsill that is linked to the device on my front porch that tells me outside temperature. A life-saver for any runner guessing how many layers they need, or not. I knew it was getting late so I am getting frantic to get going for my run; it was a tempo run and I knew I'd have problems in the heat if I waited longer.
I now have one running shoe on and one that is soaking salsa off in my bathroom sink. I'm left without a shoe to run. I have a pair of half-size-too-big-same-style-shoes. If you've followed though the months, you'll know that I have all-together changed shoe brands -- after being a die-hard loyal Asics wearer for years but foot numbness with the new version of old shoes caused me to switch to Saucony since late April. But with the new shoes came much pain in finding the correct size so I am left with one pair that is a half size too big (but have held onto them for when I do downhill running .... ). Without even thinking of changing both shoes to the larger size, I put the larger on on the right foot and I head out the door for my run at now 9:40, because the day wouldn't be complete if I couldn't find my Garmin watch nor my good running sunglasses and search for about 20 minutes for both (found watch eventually in my car, no luck yet on the glasses) with one shoe larger than the other...and it's about 80 degrees.
It didn't take long before I knew my tempo run was going to go nowhere; it was too hot and I was too tired. I did the 15 min warm up and then did about 8 minutes at tempo instead of the 20 on my plan, and instead went back to warm-up pace and cut short my 45 minutes of tempo to 44 minutes of slowness. Figured I'd just reattempt the same workout this evening if I felt up to it.
To just keep the day in the same rhythm as it started, I went to the the zoo about 2:00 with my 18 and two almost 14-year-olds this afternoon when inclement weather baptized us, (forget that I had a writing deadline come and gone .. and oh well, time to be a mom for a couple hours). Mind you, my kids, being 18 almost 14 and 14 have not been to the zoo in like 5 or 6 years due to the fact they are a wee-bit old and it's not like we didn't practically live there when they were tiny. But zoo was today's vote and thus zoo we went. Get in the car, go run a couple quick errands and I look in the sky and asked if anyone has bothered to check weather forecast, it looks a tad stormy. Negative. Reluctantly, we continue on zoo-bound quest after heavy protests when I suggested otherwise. Stormed about 10 minutes later, of course, so popped into Cherry Creek Mall to wait-out rain; total sanctuary for us girlies but a death sentence for B and R. They both managed to entertain themselves with food until the sun shone again and we could make our way down Colorado Blvd with the majority of Denver traffic. Get to zoo, were there an hour, before I inhaled half of Ryan's disgusting grape-flavored cotton candy just cuz it was there, when it starts to downpour. Stand under a tree waiting to see if it will stop...no, so run from tree cover to tree cover in an attempt to stay somewhat dry. Failed. Decided we were wet enough, may as well just tap off the remaining section as drowned rats. Get to car, shed soaked layers, and turn on heat full-blast, which fogged up the windows. Get on Colorado Blvd to Leetsdale, which took oh...30 minutes to go maybe, 4 miles? Get on Leetsdale and low-and-behold, an hour later, we have covered another 4 miles. Who knew that side streets off of Leetsdale flooded and thus traffic police were out dealing with that and traffic on Leetsdale. Get home 1 hour 45 minutes after leaving the zoo to find that my neighbor's new house color is anything but appealing.
Decide I DID need to run later because it's my therapy and the day I had, I needed a lot of it. Hopped on my treadmill about 8:45 p.m. and didn't do the exact workout as the day's earlier attempt, but I did manage to crank out a mile warm up followed by 3.5 miles at 8:30 marathon pace.
I'll call that a day!!!
8 miles run.
1 comment:
So when are we going to Seaside Florida ? With the Iowa tee-shirt of course ! and the laptop... you have a nutty HOA ? Approval of paint colors. ?? Fortunately we have brick, 28,000 bricks to be exact and our neigbors have brick, the maj. of the neighborhood is tan stucco that never needs painting. And we love all our neighbors here, That's good, really good. Yes, long marathon training run for me tomorrow early morning. Des. News marathon in 4 weeks ...ouch, need to ramp up the training here Jill. :). Don't spill any more paint today or break any more faucets.
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