My sinuses/ear seem to be better today. I am majorly stoked that I am not taking major decongestants when I go to bed lately; that HAS to be making my running a tad happier!! And I felt that tonight when I ran 7 miles. My legs started out feeling really tired and I felt every step. I kept telling myself that if I could just finish this workout, then I could go home an take an ice bath; I was actually craving it, like a kid (or me?) craves candy! I truly believe that ice bath has really helped heal my aches and pains. It must have been the antidote that my legs needed

I have caused a major uproar in the neighborhood; I filed a complaint with the HOA against my neighbor's new paint color. OMG! It's is bright, bright, bright baby blue! I wouldn't be surprised if it's not glowing in the dark right now! Anyway, while on a mad search for a paint color # to make the HOA happy, I was in the office today and told the guy working there that I was not happy with the obnoxious color I was going to have to live next to and what the ramifications were for not getting their color approved. I went to get my haircut and upon my return, Abbey ran out to the garage as I pulled in and told me that there was big drama going on next door. I looked out and there were a slew of HOA officials standing in the driveway so I quickly closed the garage door (chicken for sure) and Abbey filled me in on what was going on. I don't think they are going to repaint but no one with any sort of association to the HOA was happy. Good think I don't really like those neighbors anyway; I stay away from them as much as possible. Will be interesting to see how that all pans out. In the meantime, I will make sure my paint chip is an approved HOA color :)!!
7 miles run
Weight training: 1
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