I woke up in a total daze; I couldn't find my footing getting out of bed and my ears were ringing loudly. I knew it was the start to a miserable day. My stomach was in a knot all night and kept me half awake gurgling. Lack of sleep and I seem to be forming a pretty strong bond, but it's more like a nasty fly that won't seem to leave you alone kinda bond, not a loving kitten sitting on your lap bond; but last night was a totally different experience. I've been on so many flipping antibiotics, some even pretty powerful, but none that messed up my stomach like his before. I woke up feeling queasy beyond belief and combated that first with a piece of toast. Didn't do it so 5 pieces of toast with peanut butter later along with a poptart; a banana; several chunks of watermelon; two pieces of, frantically searched for and found in some child's room, choc

I sometimes seem to run better when I tense and stressed. Seriously! You get me to the start line of a race happy and healthy and feeling great and I can have so many problems that it's not even funny (Big Sur). You get me lined up stressed and full of pressure, I thrive (St. George). I can't even count how many meltdowns I had the weeks leading up to St. George and how bad my back hurt the night before and well, I ran the race of my life (maybe that's an indication I will run well in Portland; I already feel the pressure and tension starting to brew). I ran well today, too. But it was 3 miles, not 26 and if I had to run 26 today, I would have failed miserably. But I needed to unwind the tightness brewing and I needed to reset my internal chiropractor. I think the run served those purposes to a small degree but more importantly, I found that despite consuming my daily 1500 calories all before 8:45 a.m., I could run okay with the ear problem (though I'll be quite honest, I was just outside talking to my friend, Jane, as she dropped off my boys from a golfing day and I was feeling rather dizzy. Maybe it was the heat/antibiotic cocktail.).
Sprinkler guy has come and gone and yet another broken pipe somewhere (in other words: lots more money. Those sprinklers have issues every single summer. REALLY!!! I have made his mortgage payment a time or two over the course of the past few years!). No word from trainer man, as I don't expect to either (really, the whole rant started as an "I'm really stressed over Mt. Evans and haven't heard from you about it all week"....which lead to one thing and then another. You know how sometimes you can yell at your kids for something they just did and before you are done, you've listed the things that they've done since childbirth that have been unsettling? It was kinda like that).

So I'll plan for a run up Mt. Evans tomorrow, despite not really wanting to, and see where I land at the top. And I'll pray I have as happy an outcome to the Hungry Caterpillar with my incessant morning feast and turn into a big, beautiful butterfly like this little guy did.
3 mile run
1 comment:
After the 22 hrs 59 mins and 51.8 seconds at thew WBR I just turned into a very hungry caterpillar too so I will go and find some more to eat then rest and go to bed early this evening. I would love to hear how the Mt Evans ascent went this morning. shoot me an email :)
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