Feeling very blobish, I decided I had to test out the ole glutes and go for a run. I headed down to the park and ran about 7 miles. I had a great first 3 1/2 miles and all body parts were feeling great. On the turn-around back, my glute started aching ever so slightly and that may be because this was slightly uphill. I slowed my pace, walked and took some water, and then ran the rest of the way home. Felt good and more importantly, I am fairly certain that I can run!!!! I am not doing any weight training (and had a major melt-down with R today over the frustrations that have been mounting!) for a couple days and even then, I seriously need to cut the amount of glute work back.
I decided the reason why I can't commit to a specific fall marathon is that once I do, it's final. It puts an end-mark on what I'm not really sure I want to end...and not really sure I want to start. I did talk briefly to a guy on FB that said he ran Portland twice and it had nice crowd support and was a nice PR course Portland Marathon . I'm edging closer....I need to make a decision soon.
Had some great conversations with Josh Tepilinisky, the art teacher who is an avid cyclist; Dan Cornell, the computer technology teacher; and Brian Manley, the auto teacher and CC coach. All are teachers at school and all are doing Mt. Evans. Well, Josh is going to be the go-to person, i.e. he's offered to take his truck with our supplies and meet us at the top and take us back down so that we don't have to wait for the insane back-of-the-pickup-ride-down thrill-ride we got last year as 10 of us piled into the back of this guy's pickup to the 14.5 mile start. I seriously had major leg cramping going on because whatever position my legs were in were stuck that way because there was absolutely no place to move them. There is nothing more terrifying than being unstrapped in the back of a pickup which is hovering way too close to the edge of sheer several thousand feet cliffs. Yeah! I'm enclosing a picture of me in the truck from last year.....wish it weren't so close-up so you could see how packed-in we were!!! Anyway, a great conversation with the guys about altitude training and how it's really not as "important" as it first claimed to be.

Off to bed. I am pooped!!
7 miles run
1 comment:
I have piriformis syndrome. I say "have" even though I don't feel it much now b/c I think (for me, at least) once you have it, you have it for life. All I can do is keep it contained. When I first got it about 4 years ago, it was so bad I was puking. Betwen that and foot issues, I nearly quit. Got through it though.
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