9x800's at 3:22 + 1x1 mile at 6:44. Pretty stoked about that one, baby!! Had to make some tick marks on a piece of paper just so I didn't get lost! Now THAT feels good!!
6x800's were on my plan. But a few modifications were needed, I felt.
I received a comment from an e-friend today; he told me I was ULTRA-serious about my running! He can't be more right - a fact I admit. It's more than a passion, it's an addiction and I take it very seriously. He told me, too, I was about in the upper 97% of those that are addicted to running as much as I am. To that statement, I may contest. I read many blogs and articles and have running friends alike, and one common theme is that we all take it pretty seriously. And honestly, if you take the time to write a running blog - I think it it's safe to say, you are a junkie! Maybe we are in the upper 97%!
That said, my fixation on my quest left me in a not very happy state after I was given my plan for the week from t-man. We usually go over my plan and discuss before final but this week, I just got it. No discussion, just here it is. I opened it and saw I was barely running and the tears started flowing. The thing is, I'm sure he had he reasons, he always has my best interest in mind (I hope) and puts a lot of thought into my plan, but when I ask for something and get something totally different, I'd think an explanation of why would be nice. I didn't get it. And normally this wouldn't bother me as much as it did, but Tucson is only a few weeks away.....
The stress of Tucson Marathon is mounting; I can feel it. Everything that can easily slip away without a lot of thought is suddenly lurking in the shadow, ready to pounce. I knew it was going to come quicker and with a vengeance this round; I didn't get ample down time after Portland to enjoy my running and re coop. I'm trying to ward the fear and anxiety off before it's at the forefront of every thought and damages all around me. Best way, I've learned, is to keep a very open line of communication to exchange information, ideas, and thoughts with t-man. If I can abate the accumulating questions from ascending, I will be in a much better place in the end. I can't help the stress and anxiety I bear; it's because I'm in the 97 percentile of those that have a running addiction, I guess :).
73 degrees in the Mile High city tomorrow.....and to think that a week ago we had 2 feet of snow! Gotta love Colorado!
Awesome repeats! Great job!!
Fast, fast baby! Great tick marks and nice repeats! Are you tapering already or just cutting back for the week? Is t-man your coach?
NICE job on those repeats. Totally jealous!
Yes, you gotta love Colorado! I think it's supposed to be 70 something again today! I gotta get out for a little run.
Dang those are some FAST repeats...Running bloggers (or blogging runners) don't have a problem, we can stop at any time...I just choose not to that's all!
Addicted? Yep!
Thanks for stopping by my humble little blog.
Great job with the repeats! That's a good idea with the tick marks.
Thanks for your note, Jill! Good luck getting ready for Tucson - I'll look forward to following along!
Good luck on your half tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have expounded on the Marine Corps marathon on my running blog moreso than on my family blog. Like you say, a little novel.
And yes, you are definitely addicted.
Colorado? I want to go to there.
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