Sunday, June 28, 2009

Topping off the week

I could barely move today, not because I was sore from the 19 I did yesterday, but because I was just tired (and no, I did not drink any alcohol last night - though I did go to a retirement party. I drank water). I have so much weighted on my shoulders right now; decisions pulling me in many directions. What to do. Where to go. Things broken. Things not right. They kept me up a lot at night.

I registered for the Park City Marathon, which is the weekend after Pikes Peak Ascent. I hope I'm not making a horrible choice -- but I did it. I will NOT run it for anything other than to get in some mileage. And to get away for a couple days; and to a place I've longed to go for a very long time. And because I was asked. I was asked to go by a running group via some online training I do for them.....I am pretty stoked about that. So my goal is no goal: I will run it in 4 1/2 hours and nothing faster. I will not trash my legs running it hard, I will use it for experience for pacing, for hydration, to try out something other than that powder Accelerate which I have been using and is causing me a lot of function complications,etc. So please, don't expect this big PR or anything of the's a 26 mile training run and that's it!! My PR, hopefully, will come in Portland on Oct. 4th!!

'nuff said about that.

I am still tired. I did not get a nap today and got so little even done. Not sure I'm meeting Rob in the a.m. or not; we're having some money discussions going on right now and nothing settled. Trying to figure out a price for my writing vs. his training and well, I owe him and not paying until this is all settled. So it's 10:35 and nothing settled. So I'll just do whatever until it's fixed. If it is. He did send some nice, encouraging (?) words today...he doesn't read my blog but nevertheless, I'll say thank you!

I went for a little swim today. Not as far as I wanted, my head was killing me, but I went and it felt good. I need to start making the weekly swim a priority because I really feel the rewards it provides for tired muscles. And it's a great workout. It's just not easy to get it with everything else.

My neighbor's house painting is done. It's ugly. Actually, it's really pretty for a baby's room...but at least it's toned-down from what it was. I am going to get some of my own paint tomorrow - I have finally found what I want. I hope it doesn't look like crap!

The boys are home from camping/hiking. Ryan took a lot of pictures and I'll try to get them on the blog for tomorrow. No idea what my running week looks like....we'll see where it lands, I guess.

1 swim

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