1) I wanted to pace myself between a 9:20 and a 9:30 with hills, both up and down, intermixed. I didn't want to slow my pace on the ups nor speed on the downs. (okay, I know this pace is a wee-bit faster than a minute and a half pre mile slower than my marathon race pace...doesn't one need to ween slowly??).
2) I wanted to not take off too fast, like I tend to frequently do.
3) I wanted to have easy access to water and bathrooms.
4) I wanted the temperature to be warm, in case it is in Boston.
5) I wanted to emulate the first half of the Boston course, as best as possible.
6) I just didn't want to carry a water bottle; it's heavy at times and my back's been aching some.
7) I didn't want to deal with GU and Accelerate in my pack; I wanted easy access to it at arm's reach and not having to twist my pack around and readjust my clothing each and every time.
8) I didn't want to deal with layers wrapped around my body, causing excess weight and I didn't want to wear any gloves.
9) I wanted to see if I had enough in me to pick up the last few miles of my run and maintain it.
I have to say, I was a bit perplexed with my treadmill decision; I generally can't stand them. But a seed was planted yesterday when I was talking to Rob about the possibility of doing this run on one due to predicted forecast of 8" (turned out it was about 1")...but as I thought about it and the luxuries it could provide for my last long Boston run, the idea became more appealing with each passing hour. I think that's why I woke up in a funk this morning; when I saw the inaccurate forecast, the treadmill idea was suddenly crushing all my pacing ideas and other reasons and plan B was having trouble being implemented. As the morning lingered and I attended to my overflowing email inbox and laundry (Brendan now has clean jeans...thank the Lord!) I thought there was no reason why I couldn't go do to the gym regardless of favorable outdoor weather conditions and treadmill thoughts suddenly reentered with a smile on my face.
I've never treadmill-ed more than about 10 miles...and those 10 had to be well over a year ago...and I'm certain I hated every second of it. So this long-distance-treadmill concept was new to me and I'm certain when I unloaded 3 GUs, Sport beans, water bottle, half a banana, bandanas, and iPod, the people around me probably wondered if I was camping there for a few days. I kinda wondered myself. I was suddenly having my doubts why I was doing this. Dennis asked me if I was feeling okay; Rob told me he never would have guessed and couldn't wait to hear my explanation; Janet questioned my sanity. I guess my reputation for treadmill hatred is well-known.
Decided that since the treadmill will only allow me to run 1-hour, I'd run up to that hour and then take a break for potty, water bottle refill, GU and whatever else, then restart the treadmill, repeat, times 2.8. That would give me 18. It worked well and I actually ENJOYED this little experiment and can honestly say, in my 100% sweat-soaked attire, I had a great time on my treadmill excursion. I had my iPod on full-blast while watching 3 episodes of TLC's 'What Not to Wear' (and I will say that every single female down the treadmill line was all watching the same thing!! And what a cute coat this one chick bought...I need it!! And PINK SHOES...every girly-girls dream!) And the best part? Okay....I didn't keep my pace at about a 9:30 (even the 9:30 pace was only 1 minute slower than my marathon "wish" pace of 8:30) but did keep it between 9:10 and 9:22 for the vast majority of this little jaunt so that was great! My instructors would shun me for that pace but I'm sorry...I cannot run a 10:00 pace, it'll kill me. But the treadmill taught me to slow it down some and it kept me consistent. Until I get that little wrist gadget to tell me real-time pacing (and that's not a hint!! Really! ahem.). I picked up the pace the last 3 miles....after all, that's the name of the game, isn't it? I'd like to think so...at least the game is that I want to feel strong to the end of ever race. So mile 15 I ran a 9:05, mile 16 was 8:30 and mile 17 to the end was an 8:00. And I felt incredible!!! So much for my funk! I celebrated with a post-run Tokyo Joe's rice bowl, yum! It was 1:30 by the time I showered and I was hungry!!
I ended my day with a very nice dinner with running friends celebrating my Atlanta victory. Thanks guys, it was very special!!
It's officially Boston taper time!!!!!

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