So I’m back to reality and no life shattering changes occurred while I was gone: laundry piled up to the hilts (and Brendan complaining he had no clean jeans to wear; I swear, I have taught those kids how to do laundry!!!); dishes piled high in the sink (I have showed them where the dishwasher is, too), wet bath towels on bedroom floors (I have threatened to remove fingers so they have a valid excuse why they can’t hang them up); and paper plates in the family room (apparently, I have failed to show them the garbage can). If I am not at home harping on these kids to constantly pick up after themselves, my house would look like a nuclear dump! Drives me crazy! I have a little plan in the back of my head that involves money and me taking it away….that may do the trick! Though Doubtful. I think they feel they are on vacation while mommy is away. Err.

Met Rob this morning for some stretching of my still sore calf and quad muscles and some light upper-body weight training. Had a nice talk with him, too about expectations of Boston (we have none! NONE! YES!) and I felt better about post-Boston when he said we could get together and talk about it upon my return. I’m wondering when this wild ride I’m on is going to come a crashing down….
Long run scheduled for tomorrow…in heavy snow. Please don’t tell me I need to run 16-18 miles on a treadmill.....the agony!
BTW, I placed 152/5464 females in Atlanta...that's top 2.8%. Very pleased with that!
Weigh training: 1
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