Alrighty. Rob seems to think Portland in October be a good marathon. I don't know. My dear friend, JC, has offered to pace me the entire way if I did Top of Utah Marathon mid-September. I'm tempted. But I'm also temped to do Portland so I can meet SBS and see if her posse can help pace me some. It's hard to know....I can't believe I'm stressing about it the end of April. But if you don't jump on these things now, then they fill and you're outta luck. Dennis was banking on Chicago being open through the lottery for St. George was known and whether he got in or not. But no luck. I'm certain he'll get in StG but if not, then he's going to have to scramble to find something...he wants to get to Boston next year.
On a somewhat positive note, Abbey has reluctantly given in to a graduation party...despite her and I having many arguments over this. Maybe that's another reason why I don't feel that well, it's so draining to argue with her. I have ordered her invitations....well, I at least put together the invitation and the proof will be emailed to me tomorrow. The college decision seems to be still in limbo and thus, I think that's some of her protest to celebrate. But there's more to it than that..... a lot more. It's hard to believe she's almost done. I will miss her so much (I hope she goes to DU so I can see her often....of course, I hope that someone mysteriously donates $42K a year for her to go, too :) )!!!!
I'll close with the picture I put on Abbey's announcements. She'll hate this...but she most likely won't read this (and if she does, I'm certain to hear!).
I got the green light to start running can't come soon enough. I have so much restlessness that I may be out there running for a few hours!!!!! That'll make one mr. rob happy....ha!
Good night!

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