I have had the privilege of connecting with a woman, whom I consider a friend, via blogs and FB. Her name is Sarah Bowen Shea; she is a fellow marathoner (running Eugene next weekend. Go Sarah GOOO!!) and a writer for many publications, including Runner's World and has an amazing blog she shares (http://www.marathonmoms.blogspot.com/). I feel a connection with her; we share many, many common interests, including 3 children; the youngest of which are twins. She has been supportive of my Boston journey and I love reading her blog; it's insightful, fun and pure joy to read!
In an attempt to attack the the 169 emails post-Boston, I sent her one today trying to fill her in about my Boston experience. I wanted give ample time in thought and response before I replied because she's one of those recipients I hold in high regard and wanted to word my reply to her with a clear head (and not sleep-deprived babble, like I feel I'm almost always in...especially the past few days). In addition to Boston details, I also told her of my fall sub-3:45 marathon plan and my quest to find a course that would land me there safe and sound. She suggested Portland (she may be biased since she lives there :))...but not only did she suggest, she also emailed a group of her Portland friends whom have run the course to offer me some of their perceptions of the course and whether my crusade was viable. And I have heard back from a few. Wow! I mean, it's fascinating to me that us ponytailed Nike clad sisters builds relationship and creates connections quickly though our mutual passion. My joy as a runner and as a woman, is always to connect.
Not to speak poorly of the male runners that are a huge part of my running life, they have provided me with so much and Dennis, in particular, is a very big part of my running world. But when women are asked to step up to the plate to help one another in a mutual interest, they don't hesitate.
There is something powerful about sharing the burden of the marathon distance with women that don't expect you to go out there and kill yourself to prove you are worthy. I thank you, ladies, for sharing your Portland Marathon stories and information. Be sure that if I DO end up doing it, I definitely hope we can all get together and share out stories and some great laughs.
Thank you, SBS! It's been a blast...and an honor! Best of luck to you and your friends in Eugene, I can't wait to watch you guys next Sunday online!!!!! I'm already nervous for you!
My legs are finally functioning at full-throttle....I can't wait to get back on the road and run. 2 more days and counting.
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