I intended to get up and run my intervals this morning and then do weights tonight. I didn't quite make it (it must be a day for "just not quite making it"??). I just couldn't get up this morning, my head was pounding. I surprised myself tonight while heavily into my textbook reading about body fat (how appropriate since I had a minor meltdown last night when I had mine tested :P ) and seriously thought I was going to have to bag the entire day of running....I didn't know how I was going to fit it in. But skipping a run just isn't me and major guilt set in and so eventually, I hopped on my treadmill and ran some intervals. My schedule called for 5x1200's at a 5:30 (7:22 per mile pace); I was fearful I was going to die. Yesterday, I had a horrible run and never loosened up, fought ever single step. Today, just the opposite. I bumped the treadmill up to a 7:18 pace and maintained all feeling good. Good breathing, good stride, in a good zone, no headache, no knee pain, iPod blasting. Took the last 1200 and upped it to a 1600 an ran the thing at 7:03. Yeah baby!!!! Didn't get in my weights but will do that tomorrow.
7 minutes late so signing off...
6 miles intervals
1 comment:
That's really fast. I cannot run that fast on a treadmill. I can barely do an 8:00 pace. In fact my treadmill pace is always slower than the pace I can do outside. I don't really get this. I think that on a treadmill I shorten my stride or something. I just don't like treadmills.
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