Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Rough Day For Da Legs

I felt fine going into my 4x2-mile intervals at an 8:00 pace today but something was nagging at me and that something was right. I did 'em, but they weren't pretty; my legs were tied and did not want to run. My quads still hurt and my right bicep aches. I guess I really ran hard on Saturday; I am not fully recovered. My bicep? Something I did yesterday at weight training that wasn't even training related....it was holding onto the bar for eternity; I felt in then and feel it now! I did one 2miler at the prescribed pace with about 4 stops along the way to stretch my legs and that was about all I could manage to squeeze out. The next one I ran was at 8:19 with a with the elevation starting at +1 but soon found itself at -2. I told myself I was training for the downhills in Boston. Sounded good....but honestly, I couldn't run at a flat elevation, I was hurting. 3rd was same pace with no elevation drop. I took this small feat of progress...though I am certain it made very little difference. 4th one, I ran a mile and then I was done, my legs did not want to move. Okay....listen to your body is my mantra (ha! I WISH! I am a lot better in the body listening category but sometimes that little annoying voice of 'more is better' likes to chime in. I learned the hard way last summer that he is not a welcome visitor!) and I stopped and walked (even at a slow pace!) the last mile. I ventured over to the stretching machines; I think it was a sore day because the contraptions were busy and I had to do some stretching the old fashioned way .... but ahhhhhh, it felt so good!

There's been a bunch of coyote attacks in Denver parks this past week....eeks. I have a long run this weekend and like to run through these parts. I need to head out early, too, before most people are out so I'm a bit worried (Ryan has his World Affairs Challenge at DU in the early afternoon. It's an all day academic event where teams present their research on a global event. SOOO proud of him; he's worked super hard on it all year!). I see coyote at the state park at my house all the time and they never have bothered me; not even one time when I was out alone on some isolated, far back from civiliztion trail and came head-on to three. They stared at me like I could be their next lunch but they backed off and I cautiously continued on). But I need to get in a 26er in somehow.

Have a couple writing projects and a resume to get out for a training job...so signing off 'til tomorrow.

8 miles run


elaine said...

Yuppers, as Mitch likes to say, you need to rest. Don't go so hard all the time, you know I wouldn't. ;) I was thinking of an over 20 this weekend too, rested today, ate a lot, will do 10 tomorrow but take it easy. (hey, I did those 9 miles easy the other day).

elaine said...

I just checked out Mt. Evans Ascent. Wowzers. Several years ago all I did was run uphill (less joint pain), and would have loved to do that race, high altitude and all. We have the Mt. Spokane relay here but that's it. Sounds amazing.